Take a look at ItemRendererMouseController.handleMouseUp() in Basic. It uses 

From: carlos.rov...@gmail.com <carlos.rov...@gmail.com> on behalf of Carlos 
Rovira <carlosrov...@apache.org>
Sent: Monday, July 2, 2018 5:27:08 PM
To: dev@royale.apache.org
Subject: List Item renderer Click event finds a component in its way


what's the best way to handle a click event in a List when the Item
renderer has some components that can interfere in the click event?

I have an icon and a Label in the item renderer and if I click on one of
those "event.target" is logically set to this components.

How to make "event.target" always resolve to the item-renderer, even if I
click in the label or the icon.
If the label or the icon has a click event, then clicking on one of those
components should call it's own click handler, but if nothing is set up, a
click in any part of the renderer should call the list click event handler.

In JS I can set pointer-events : none for sub components in item renderers
but does not seems the best way to handle this


Carlos Rovira

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