Ok, good to know the fix was correct. The problem actually seems to be on the 
flash side, as I’m getting from within as3 a different time-zone offset from 
what I’m seeing in the OS. Do you have a proposal on how to fix this bug [1]?

[1] https://github.com/apache/royale-compiler/issues/55

From: Frost, Andrew <andrew.fr...@harman.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2018 4:20:46 PM
To: dev@royale.apache.org
Subject: Re: Unable to build with ANT

Sorry, this was probably my fault when I added in that file to begin with .. 
Yishay thanks for making the correction.

Note to self: try setting my computer to both summer and winter dates when 
testing anything related to time and dates! And looking at the file's history, 
also set my location to a variety of places around the world to ensure it works 
east of here as well as west!

Oddly enough I was reading this morning that 84% of folk in Europe want to get 
rid of the daylight savings thing, and each country may end up fixing their 
time to stop the clocks changing in the future .. it would make things easier 
if this happened!



-----Original Message-----
From: Douglas McCarroll [mailto:list.apache-royal....@brightworks.com]
Sent: 28 October 2018 12:15
To: dev@royale.apache.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Unable to build with ANT

Perhaps worth noting that while Europe switched from daylight savings time last 
night, the USA didn't. I believe that we switch next weekend. So, if there's 
something in the ant build that depends on there being a specific number of 
hours difference, then that will fail.

On Sun, Oct 28, 2018 at 5:21 AM Carlos Rovira <carlosrov...@apache.org>

> Hi,
> I found a way to get ANT compilation working. "ant all" is broken so:
> 1.- Go to compiler: run "ant sdk"
> 2.- Go to typedefs: run "ant"
> 3.- Go to framework: run "ant"
> This works for now.
> I think the problem is related to the change of hour like Nicolas
> suggested, since I wake up and the hour changed due to daylight saving
> time and we have 1 hour less.
> The problem seems to be in the test run in the compiler, skipping that
> part with "ant sdk" make the rest works ok.
> El dom., 28 oct. 2018 a las 10:15, Yishay Weiss
> (<yishayj...@hotmail.com>)
> escribió:
> > Same problem here. Looking into it.
> >
> >
> >
> > ________________________________
> > From: Carlos Rovira <carlosrov...@apache.org>
> > Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2018 9:54:30 AM
> > To: dev@royale.apache.org
> > Subject: Unable to build with ANT
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm starting my day and always build with maven and then build a
> > fresh
> > with ANT to feed VSCode IDE.
> > Today I'm finding the "ant all" process is failing for me [1] and
> > seems something related to time zone test failing. Is the first time
> > I see
> this.
> > Don't see any changes that could affect in the last day, so I'm a
> > bit
> lost
> > here.
> >
> > Hope someone could bring some light on this.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > [1]
> > https://clicktime.symantec.com/a/1/2O8xnfWy4QA6AgSzR8cYnzsLODmFedbgR
> > mTd-sgzq_8=?d=5m2hCvv65cBTfe-rBB4t2rYmEDtRqTAIIORbGgCQ4qpow3fNSBz_im
> > gGyzg6cqNoPXtSQOurVLEvCByZEJVPSTJXiBpQQM_B7t0yZAnl0QcWIwwqM9axwEob5F
> > 21r1O_QhgJokNm6FzK5_SdI3sJGDST-5tc4N-VLx07jqK0BvxHq82ueWxtGYQpQ4PG5X
> > 9g5K9d4_wYdg0cnJZ6hLmY2nO7AcMnWfe3bvnXWdV3s5lKzl_rOTjK2C9hywK1BcIjWS
> > 72qukOS0zYm0-oSKEiPUELd7nM-iE8xFtMKU3ubj_ocFn9Sxzlu0n8hdsKGkq7dB5umH
> > b-plnfPoEk_h5PSktbfxiK1M8_6uhHiix2plQcozFao6odILm97uOP3vO2WG7HMU7B4x
> > tut3OTmHtVJLe25o2xQyYJyk5jDIqoUnkhWKmT39maiG_-lg%3D%3D&u=https%3A%2F
> > %2Fpaste.apache.org%2FTaYu
> >
> > --
> > Carlos Rovira
> > https://clicktime.symantec.com/a/1/rcKcsSo3mqzGZ1b0tr2KTdb5YwDfgnH3S
> > YE0zhUx8xg=?d=5m2hCvv65cBTfe-rBB4t2rYmEDtRqTAIIORbGgCQ4qpow3fNSBz_im
> > gGyzg6cqNoPXtSQOurVLEvCByZEJVPSTJXiBpQQM_B7t0yZAnl0QcWIwwqM9axwEob5F
> > 21r1O_QhgJokNm6FzK5_SdI3sJGDST-5tc4N-VLx07jqK0BvxHq82ueWxtGYQpQ4PG5X
> > 9g5K9d4_wYdg0cnJZ6hLmY2nO7AcMnWfe3bvnXWdV3s5lKzl_rOTjK2C9hywK1BcIjWS
> > 72qukOS0zYm0-oSKEiPUELd7nM-iE8xFtMKU3ubj_ocFn9Sxzlu0n8hdsKGkq7dB5umH
> > b-plnfPoEk_h5PSktbfxiK1M8_6uhHiix2plQcozFao6odILm97uOP3vO2WG7HMU7B4x
> > tut3OTmHtVJLe25o2xQyYJyk5jDIqoUnkhWKmT39maiG_-lg%3D%3D&u=http%3A%2F%
> > 2Fabout.me%2Fcarlosrovira
> >
> --
> Carlos Rovira
> https://clicktime.symantec.com/a/1/rcKcsSo3mqzGZ1b0tr2KTdb5YwDfgnH3SYE
> 0zhUx8xg=?d=5m2hCvv65cBTfe-rBB4t2rYmEDtRqTAIIORbGgCQ4qpow3fNSBz_imgGyz
> g6cqNoPXtSQOurVLEvCByZEJVPSTJXiBpQQM_B7t0yZAnl0QcWIwwqM9axwEob5F21r1O_
> QhgJokNm6FzK5_SdI3sJGDST-5tc4N-VLx07jqK0BvxHq82ueWxtGYQpQ4PG5X9g5K9d4_
> wYdg0cnJZ6hLmY2nO7AcMnWfe3bvnXWdV3s5lKzl_rOTjK2C9hywK1BcIjWS72qukOS0zY
> m0-oSKEiPUELd7nM-iE8xFtMKU3ubj_ocFn9Sxzlu0n8hdsKGkq7dB5umHb-plnfPoEk_h
> 5PSktbfxiK1M8_6uhHiix2plQcozFao6odILm97uOP3vO2WG7HMU7B4xtut3OTmHtVJLe2
> 5o2xQyYJyk5jDIqoUnkhWKmT39maiG_-lg%3D%3D&u=http%3A%2F%2Fabout.me%2Fcar
> losrovira

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