Hi Piotr,

great to bring this to the table. These are my thoughts;

As you, I'm feeling that Royale is ready for production, in fact we're
releasing tomorrow our first Royale App for a big client. So yes from that
point of view I see the technology is mature. But this is true at least for
Basic, Jewel UI Sets, and for AMF/RemoteObject, HTTPService, and other

In the other hand we have some parts on the way that will probably last for
more months, like MX/Spark emulation, Or components features still missing
in Jewel (DataGrid, Tree, Menu, Switch, finish themes,...), and others that
need to change (Jewel Table should not be in the current state for a 1.0

There's a very cumbersome bug in application compilation that makes the
compiler a bad compilation. So when you run it, labels in buttons, drawers
and other places are empty. I think that bug should be find and solved
before a 1.0, since when it happens it gives a very bad sensation of
something not ok in the compiler. I think this could be some problems in
threadings. Normally when this happens (about 1 of 10 app compilations, you
can solve it by compiling again).

For example people is asking about video components, and other missing
parts, we could decide that could come in a later version.

Maybe we should make a list of things that should be in 1.0, and other list
of things that will not, but we can delay to 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, ...and more...

I think we should at least release a 0.9.6 soon, and if the Alex new
release system works, we could reach 1.0 in just 3 more release 1 per month.

Just my thoughts

El mié., 24 abr. 2019 a las 11:57, Piotr Zarzycki (<
piotrzarzyck...@gmail.com>) escribió:

> Hi Team,
> Lately, I’m working with Royale framework more and more. Once you know the
> framework better from the inside your productivity skyrockets and it is
> similar to what we had in Flex. The question comes up - why do we actually
> cannot bump our version to 1.0? I’d like to see that happen with the
> upcoming release or at least the following one.
> What’s holding us back?
> Is it lack of features? What if I don’t have some feature in 1.0, but I
> will add it in 1.1? This is still fine in my opinion.
> Or is it bugs? Because guess how people are seeing us after 5 years of
> development and still with leading 0. They think “highly unstable”. And
> because this continues for so long they think the project might, in fact,
> be dead.
> I would like to ask you Team to consider making our upcoming version (or
> the following one) as 1.0.
> Let’s find the answer in this thread. Post your arguments: “Why not?”, “Why
> yes?”
> Thanks,
> --
> Piotr Zarzycki
> Patreon: *https://www.patreon.com/piotrzarzycki
> <https://www.patreon.com/piotrzarzycki>*

Carlos Rovira

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