Hi Justin,

mostly agree with al of that. In my response I put pros and cons to help
now more about what things are under the hood. At least for Jewel that is
the part where I focus.
I think as well that is time to bring more tutorials and videos.
The main problem for people external to the project is how to get started,
this must be improved since the main problem about Royale is complexity in
how to get on rails to start producing.
Hope others could come to the discussion and bring their thoughts as well

El mié., 24 abr. 2019 a las 21:21, Justin M. Hill (<jus...@prominic.net>)

> I agree with Piotr.
> Perception matters.  1.0 does not need to be perfect, it just needs to be
> good enough.   And Royale is good enough to be called 1.0 in my opinion.
> It has 2 production applications -- ones from Harbs and Carlos are already
> running on it from what I understand.
> Royale needs to get traction in the market.
> Many people will not pay attention until the following items occur:
> 1) A version 1.0 is released
> 2) There are clear tutorials which can get people started quickly [the
> Moonshine team has agreed to fund a few videos to get this started]
> 3) It is very easy for new developers to get started with the technology
> [the Moonshine IDE accomplishes this with first class support for Royale,
> Flex, and ActionScript]
> 3) Documentation is improved, easy to read, friendly, and up-to-date
> 4) Marketing ensues explaining why people should look at Royale compared
> to React, ExtJS, Angular, etc.   If these articles can get written, the
> Moonshine IDE team is willing to help fund some Google and other campaigns
> to bring traction.
> 5) Multiple IDEs support Royale well -- not just Moonshine IDE and Visual
> Studio Code.   Eclipse, IntelliJ, FlashDevelop also all need to support
> Royale.
> 6) Testimonials from other companies who have ported Flex or created fresh
> Royale applications become commonplace and trust starts to build that the
> conversion is possible
> 7) A consulting ecosystem needs to exist where it is fast for newcomers /
> explorers to decide the technology is worth pursuing and want to engage
> with a consultant to help them along the journey.
> Of the above items, the first and easiest thing to control is whether we
> call the software 1.0 or not.   I last had this discussing 28 months ago
> with Alex in Seattle.   A huge amount of work has gone into Royale since
> then.
> As the saying goes:  the enemy of good enough is perfection.
> Please, consider pushing the release to 1.0.
> Thank you,
> Justin Hill
> [image: Inactive hide details for dev-digest-help---04/24/2019 08:33:01
> AM---dev Digest 24 Apr 2019 13:32:50 -0000 Issue 1958 Topics 
> (m]dev-digest-help---04/24/2019
> 08:33:01 AM---dev Digest 24 Apr 2019 13:32:50 -0000 Issue 1958 Topics
> (messages 9856 through 9859)
> ----- Message from Piotr Zarzycki <piotrzarzyck...@gmail.com> on Wed, 24
> Apr 2019 11:56:47 +0200 -----
> *To:*
>    dev@royale.apache.org
> *Subject:*
>    Let's bump Royale version to 1.0
> Hi Team,
> Lately, I’m working with Royale framework more and more. Once you know the
> framework better from the inside your productivity skyrockets and it is
> similar to what we had in Flex. The question comes up - why do we actually
> cannot bump our version to 1.0? I’d like to see that happen with the
> upcoming release or at least the following one.
> What’s holding us back?
> Is it lack of features? What if I don’t have some feature in 1.0, but I
> will add it in 1.1? This is still fine in my opinion.
> Or is it bugs? Because guess how people are seeing us after 5 years of
> development and still with leading 0. They think “highly unstable”. And
> because this continues for so long they think the project might, in fact,
> be dead.
> I would like to ask you Team to consider making our upcoming version (or
> the following one) as 1.0.
> Let’s find the answer in this thread. Post your arguments: “Why not?”, “Why
> yes?”
> Thanks,
> --
> Piotr Zarzycki
> Patreon: *https://www.patreon.com/piotrzarzycki
> <https://www.patreon.com/piotrzarzycki>*

Carlos Rovira

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