I just added this to the README file because I wasn't sure how to run locally 

I had been testing my CSS changes using the browser devtools, which wasn't 

- Josh

On 2019/04/30 23:17:16, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID> wrote: 
> IIRC, I installed Jekyll.  Then run:
>   jekyll build --config local_config.yml
> Then some output folder contains html.
> There is an Ant script that runs Jekyll.
> HTH,
> -Alex
> On 4/30/19, 2:43 PM, "Carlos Rovira" <carlosrov...@apache.org> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     I saw Josh was working on Royale-docs repo.
>     I'd be interested in fix and some things and be able to do some changes,
>     but to do so I need to know how I can try it in my local Mac.
>     Someone can point me how you are working on this? I have the repo cloned,
>     now I need to know what tool I should have on Mac to change and test
>     locally before commit anything to see is ok.
>     then I'll need what's the current plans with Royale-docs and if if Josh,
>     Andrew or others are working on it, let me know what you're doing to avoid
>     conflicts or touch the same thing at the same time.
>     thanks!
>     -- 
>     Carlos Rovira
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fabout.me%2Fcarlosrovira&data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C8f8b4eb97c684bf025bf08d6cdb4f237%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636922574377914519&sdata=0hKSOBkLOyMH2uhHwNpC1dHCuF%2FpPB8paoyvajr2eao%3D&reserved=0

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