'I'm pretty sure externs are not scanned for inject_html.  Volunteers are
welcome to teach the compiler to do so.'
I am happy to look into this sometime in the next few days. Just trying to
finish up something else first...

On Sat, May 4, 2019 at 8:54 AM Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.invalid> wrote:

> Hi Carlos,
> I'm pretty sure externs are not scanned for inject_html.  Volunteers are
> welcome to teach the compiler to do so.
> -Alex
> On 5/3/19, 1:50 PM, "Carlos Rovira" <carlosrov...@apache.org> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     while putting the pieces together for the blog example I'm finding the
>     following.
>     For classes that wraps a js code that is an intrinsic file needed to
> make
>     the code function I think inject_html should work but I'm trying it and
>     seems this is not working. The code is like this:
>     package
>     {
>         /**
>          * @externs
>          */
>         public class hljs
>         {
>             /**
>              * <inject_html>
>              * <script src="
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcdnjs.cloudflare.com%2Fajax%2Flibs%2Fhighlight.js%2F9.12.0%2Fhighlight.min.js&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C868c28fb190b470d90c608d6d00907c6%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636925134550849329&amp;sdata=Ly6nMG8kCFvf2Dl4PCohbV8T9MPU%2F7OV2CaYrQNFXnY%3D&amp;reserved=0
>     "></script>
>     * <link rel="stylesheet" title="Atom One Dark" href="
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcdnjs.cloudflare.com%2Fajax%2Flibs%2Fhighlight.js%2F9.12.0%2Fstyles%2Fatom-one-dark.min.css&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C868c28fb190b470d90c608d6d00907c6%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636925134550849329&amp;sdata=C512YPiiwRTU909ZEV5dOT94FELRDVSqm4mNYt58fLY%3D&amp;reserved=0
>     ">
>              * </inject_html>
>              */
>             public function hljs()
>             {
>             }
>             public static function highlightBlock(block:Element):void {}
>         }
>     }
>     So instead of add the inject_html in the code that calls the methods in
>     this step, I think it should  be here
>     Make this sense?
>     El vie., 3 may. 2019 a las 9:38, Carlos Rovira (<
> carlosrov...@apache.org>)
>     escribió:
>     > Hi Alex,
>     >
>     > for me is difficult right now think about what would be better for
>     > TypeScript. I think all will depend on how people interact in the
> following
>     > months/years to show us what't the best for Royale in the long term.
>     > I think bringing TS to Royale as a first citizen language will make
> us
>     > more accesible and people will considere us more since TS is the
> language
>     > people choose over AS3 (although I for example like AS3 more and if
> we get
>     > few things like generics we'll be great to compete with TS), but
> this is a
>     > very complex task, so I know this hardly be done unless someone
> comes with
>     > time and knowledge to make it happen. And if we think about things
> that are
>     > complex and hard to add and see the importance/value it will bring to
>     > Royale I think a WebAssembly target will be over TS since it clearly
>     > enhance the Roayle purpose of generate multiple sources.
>     >
>     > In the other hand, make TS just to do TypeDefs, again maybe users
> should
>     > express here if it could be needed, I can't say right now how much
> this
>     > could be important for Royale, so maybe time and users will let us
> know
>     > what to do.
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     > El jue., 2 may. 2019 a las 22:44, Alex Harui
> (<aha...@adobe.com.invalid>)
>     > escribió:
>     >
>     >> The word "package" has many meanings.  In AS3 it is a way of
> avoiding API
>     >> name collisions.  AIUI, an AS3 package in SWF code has no object or
>     >> function representation.  It effectively just creates a longer
> "qualified
>     >> name".  IOW, in a SWF, if there is a class "mx.core.UIComponent",
> there is
>     >> no "mx.core" object you can iterate to see all of the classes.
>     >>
>     >> For Royale's JS output, an AS3 package has an object representation
> in
>     >> debug mode because we use the same pattern as Google Closure.  So
> there
>     >> really would be an "mx" Object with a "core" property object with a
>     >> UIComponent function that serves as the constructor.  However, in
>     >> production, these package objects are often collapsed, so it is
> best to not
>     >> assume the objects exist.
>     >>
>     >> Then there are Node/NPM packages and modules and other sorts of
>     >> "packaging".   But in this thread I was only referencing AS3
> Packages.
>     >>
>     >> Also in this thread I mentioned TypeScript.  While Royale could
> support
>     >> TypeScript as Carlos mentioned, as an alternative to writing AS3, I
> only
>     >> mentioned it because the existence of a TypeScript definition for a
> library
>     >> indicates that the library can have a strongly-typed API surface
> which
>     >> means it is highly likely you can create Royale typedefs for that
> library,
>     >> and because I thought that Josh's converter was still working.
> Supporting
>     >> TypeScript as an alternative programming language in Royale is a
>     >> significant chunk of work and is not something I plan to work on at
> this
>     >> time.  But I was only mentioning using TypeScript to generate
> typedefs,
>     >> which is a different effort and could be a smaller effort and give
> us
>     >> access to a huge set of typedefs.  I have no plans to work on that
> at this
>     >> time either, but I could imagine myself working on that if there
> was enough
>     >> demand for it.
>     >>
>     >> HTH,
>     >> -Alex
>     >>
>     >> On 5/2/19, 11:24 AM, "Dany Dhondt" <archeme...@mac.com.INVALID>
> wrote:
>     >>
>     >>     Hi Josh,
>     >>
>     >>     Aren’t most of the packages just functions?
>     >>     In ES6, you’d import packages as
>     >>     Import { myFunct, myVar } from ‘my-package’
>     >>     In older javascript you’d:
>     >>     const myPackagePointer = require(‘my-package’)
>     >>
>     >>     So your ‘fun’ example sounds like heaven to me! This is exactly
> what
>     >> we need.
>     >>
>     >>     About Typescript: do we need that at all? I think, but maybe
> this
>     >> goes beyond my technical knowledge, all node packages are compiled
> into
>     >> plain old javascript functions. Typescript is only needed for
> authoring the
>     >> packages. Once compiled there’s no trace of Typescript at all. If
> this is
>     >> indeed true, then we shouldn’t bother about Typescript at all, and
> just
>     >> concentrate on incorporating the pure javascript libs.
>     >>
>     >>     Dany
>     >>
>     >>     > Op 2 mei 2019, om 19:57 heeft Josh Tynjala <
> joshtynj...@apache.org>
>     >> het volgende geschreven:
>     >>     >
>     >>     > Just for fun, here's another way that you could create a
> typedef
>     >> for hljs so that the highlightBlock() function is directly in a
> package
>     >> (similar to flash.net.navigateToURL), instead of as a static method
> on a
>     >> class:
>     >>     >
>     >>     >
>     >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpaste.apache.org%2FkhVI&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C868c28fb190b470d90c608d6d00907c6%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636925134550849329&amp;sdata=E%2BzcgdC3TLRNC%2FL8IfXSeXQZslQJP7pEMcL5z%2FpcV3g%3D&amp;reserved=0
>     >>     >
>     >>     > If you did it this way, you'd need to import it before you
> can call
>     >> the function, like this:
>     >>     >
>     >>     > import hljs.highlightBlock;
>     >>     >
>     >>     > Or this should work too, if you prefer:
>     >>     >
>     >>     > import hljs.*;
>     >>     >
>     >>     > And then you can call the function directly (without the hljs.
>     >> prefix):
>     >>     >
>     >>     > highlightBlock(block);
>     >>     >
>     >>     > As you can see, the way that you choose to expose a JS
> library to
>     >> ActionScript is pretty flexible. Some JavaScript libraries are just
> a
>     >> function, and some have APIs that work more like classes. Depending
> on the
>     >> library, one way may work better than the other.
>     >>     >
>     >>     > - Josh
>     >>     >
>     >>     > On 2019/05/02 17:48:49, Josh Tynjala <joshtynj...@apache.org>
>     >> wrote:
>     >>     >> Exactly right. When you create a typedef class, you're
> trying to
>     >> simulate how you would access the API as if you were writing in
> plain
>     >> JavaScript. You call hljs.highlightBlock() in JavaScript, so you
> need a
>     >> class that works the same way in ActionScript.
>     >>     >>
>     >>     >> Another option for organization would be to keep all of your
>     >> typedefs in a separate folder from your app's source files, and
> reference
>     >> the typedefs folder using the source-path compiler option.
>     >>     >>
>     >>     >> - Josh
>     >>     >>
>     >>     >> On 2019/05/02 16:23:45, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID
> >
>     >> wrote:
>     >>     >>> Hi Carlos,
>     >>     >>>
>     >>     >>> I don’t think hljs is in a package called "externs".  In
> Josh's
>     >> example, hljs was in the top-level package.  And that's because
> hljs is
>     >> found at runtime off of the global window object, not some
> sub-object
>     >> called "externs".  So, the hljs.as file containing the externs has
> to go
>     >> in the root of a source-path, not in some folder called "externs"
> (which is
>     >> why some folks will take the time to create a separate typedefs SWC
> so as
>     >> not to clutter the root of their application's source directory).
>     >>     >>>
>     >>     >>> Then instead of "import externs.hljs", it should be "import
> hljs"
>     >> (or shouldn’t be needed at all).
>     >>     >>>
>     >>     >>> HTH,
>     >>     >>> -Alex
>     >>     >>>
>     >>     >>> On 5/2/19, 9:11 AM, "Carlos Rovira" <
> carlosrov...@apache.org>
>     >> wrote:
>     >>     >>>
>     >>     >>>    Hi,
>     >>     >>>
>     >>     >>>    in my latest commit I added hljs extern class like Josh
> show
>     >> in package
>     >>     >>>    externs in TDJ
>     >>     >>>
>     >>     >>>    Then I didn't commit the following since is not working
> for me:
>     >>     >>>
>     >>     >>>    1.- In HighlightCode class (in utils package TDJ)
>     >>     >>>
>     >>     >>>    added:
>     >>     >>>
>     >>     >>>    import externs.hljs;
>     >>     >>>
>     >>     >>>    changed the method highlightBlock to:
>     >>     >>>
>     >>     >>>            COMPILE::JS
>     >>     >>>    /**
>     >>     >>>    * block is the element (WrappedHTMLElement) inside the
>     >> component (the
>     >>     >>>    <code> tag)
>     >>     >>>    */
>     >>     >>>            public function
> highlightBlock(block:Element):void
>     >>     >>>            {
>     >>     >>>                hljs.highlightBlock(block);
>     >>     >>>            }
>     >>     >>>
>     >>     >>>    and running it I get:
>     >>     >>>
>     >>     >>>    Uncaught ReferenceError: externs is not defined
>     >>     >>>        at utils.HighlightCode.highlightBlock
> (HighlightCode.as:53)
>     >>     >>>        at
>     >>     >>>
>     >>
> WelcomeSection.components.ExampleAndSourceCodeTabbedSectionContent.dataReadyHandler
>     >>     >>>    (ExampleAndSourceCodeTabbedSectionContent.as:138)
>     >>     >>>        at
>     >> services.GitHubService.goog.events.EventTarget.fireListeners
>     >>     >>>    (eventtarget.js:284)
>     >>     >>>        at
> Function.goog.events.EventTarget.dispatchEventInternal_
>     >>     >>>    (eventtarget.js:381)
>     >>     >>>        at
>     >> services.GitHubService.goog.events.EventTarget.dispatchEvent
>     >>     >>>    (eventtarget.js:196)
>     >>     >>>        at
>     >>     >>>    services.GitHubService.org
>     >> .apache.royale.events.EventDispatcher.dispatchEvent
>     >>     >>>    (EventDispatcher.js:71)
>     >>     >>>        at
>     >> services.GitHubService.services_GitHubService_completeHandler
>     >>     >>>    (GitHubService.as:54)
>     >>     >>>        at
>     >>     >>>    org.apache.royale.net
>     >> .HTTPService.goog.events.EventTarget.fireListeners
>     >>     >>>    (eventtarget.js:284)
>     >>     >>>        at
> Function.goog.events.EventTarget.dispatchEventInternal_
>     >>     >>>    (eventtarget.js:381)
>     >>     >>>        at
>     >>     >>>    org.apache.royale.net
>     >> .HTTPService.goog.events.EventTarget.dispatchEvent
>     >>     >>>    (eventtarget.js:196)
>     >>     >>>
>     >>     >>>    What I'm doing wrong?
>     >>     >>>
>     >>     >>>    thanks!
>     >>     >>>
>     >>     >>>
>     >>     >>>    El jue., 2 may. 2019 a las 18:02, Carlos Rovira (<
>     >> carlosrov...@apache.org>)
>     >>     >>>    escribió:
>     >>     >>>
>     >>     >>>> Hi Josh,
>     >>     >>>>
>     >>     >>>> I think this piece of knowledge you just exposed here is
> key for
>     >> the
>     >>     >>>> success of Royale.
>     >>     >>>>
>     >>     >>>> I'll try to use this in TDJ to experiment with it and will
> use
>     >> in the blog
>     >>     >>>> example I plan to do.
>     >>     >>>>
>     >>     >>>> thanks!
>     >>     >>>>
>     >>     >>>>
>     >>     >>>> El jue., 2 may. 2019 a las 16:36, Josh Tynjala (<
>     >> joshtynj...@apache.org>)
>     >>     >>>> escribió:
>     >>     >>>>
>     >>     >>>>>> Users can't do this, they required that Royale framework
> devs
>     >> add
>     >>     >>>>> typedefs to the typedefs repo and wait to next SDK
> release.
>     >> What does not
>     >>     >>>>> seems very useful.
>     >>     >>>>>
>     >>     >>>>> Users can create their own typedefs from scratch.
>     >>     >>>>>
>     >>     >>>>> I just created a quick example for hljs, that exposes the
>     >>     >>>>> highlightBlock() function:
>     >>     >>>>>
>     >>     >>>>>
>     >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpaste.apache.org%2FdIq0&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C868c28fb190b470d90c608d6d00907c6%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636925134550849329&amp;sdata=hyGPtFg919vlEreGs9E7OqkqRcSHImOIGt8Mt5FNfaI%3D&amp;reserved=0
>     >>     >>>>>
>     >>     >>>>> Basically, the class needs an asdoc comment with the
> @externs
>     >> tag (this
>     >>     >>>>> is something that comes from Google Closure compiler,
> which we
>     >> use to
>     >>     >>>>> create release builds) and the compiler should handle the
> rest.
>     >>     >>>>>
>     >>     >>>>> As I understand it, you don't even need to create a SWC
> library
>     >> for
>     >>     >>>>> custom typedefs. Recently, Alex mentioned that the mxmlc
>     >> compiler is smart
>     >>     >>>>> enough to handle a source file as long as it has the
> @externs
>     >> tag.
>     >>     >>>>>
>     >>     >>>>> - Josh
>     >>     >>>>>
>     >>     >>>>> On 2019/05/02 09:34:37, Carlos Rovira <
> carlosrov...@apache.org>
>     >> wrote:
>     >>     >>>>>> Hi,
>     >>     >>>>>>
>     >>     >>>>>> to sumarize (let me know if I'm wrong), the current ways
> to
>     >> integrate an
>     >>     >>>>>> existing library are 3:
>     >>     >>>>>>
>     >>     >>>>>> 1.- access vía brackets notation: This is the most easy
> and
>     >> direct, an
>     >>     >>>>>> example is TourDeJewel in class utils.HighlightCode
>     >>     >>>>>>
>     >>     >>>>>> var hljs:Object = window["hljs"];
>     >>     >>>>>> hljs["highlightBlock"](block);
>     >>     >>>>>>
>     >>     >>>>>> but this one is not what we really want since we are
> going
>     >> with Roayle
>     >>     >>>>> and
>     >>     >>>>>> AS3 to get type checking and strong typing. So this,
> although
>     >> useful is
>     >>     >>>>> not
>     >>     >>>>>> what we really want to use in out Apps, but since we
> want to
>     >> maintain
>     >>     >>>>> the
>     >>     >>>>>> dynamic aspect of the language it could be very useful
>     >> sometimes
>     >>     >>>>>>
>     >>     >>>>>> 2.- using typedefs
>     >>     >>>>>>
>     >>     >>>>>> This will be the next step to use a real type and dot
>     >> notation, but
>     >>     >>>>> seems
>     >>     >>>>>> not easy or direct.
>     >>     >>>>>> Users can't do this, they required that Royale framework
> devs
>     >> add
>     >>     >>>>> typedefs
>     >>     >>>>>> to the typedefs repo and wait to next SDK release. What
> does
>     >> not seems
>     >>     >>>>> very
>     >>     >>>>>> useful.
>     >>     >>>>>>
>     >>     >>>>>> In the other hand we'll need to know how to extend
> current
>     >> typedefs
>     >>     >>>>> since
>     >>     >>>>>> don't know if we have docs about this. Until now I added
> to
>     >> "missing.js"
>     >>     >>>>>> file fo now, but this doesn't seems a valid path since
> it lacks
>     >>     >>>>>> organization, separation, and a way for all people
>     >> contributing to know
>     >>     >>>>> wha
>     >>     >>>>>> we have, what can be added and where, if not we'll find
> in
>     >> time lots of
>     >>     >>>>>> code very difficult to maintain.
>     >>     >>>>>>
>     >>     >>>>>> Yishay and Josh talked about to use TypeScript, but
> seems that
>     >> is
>     >>     >>>>> already
>     >>     >>>>>> explored by Josh but not a valid path since will be very
>     >> difficult to
>     >>     >>>>>> maintain.
>     >>     >>>>>>
>     >>     >>>>>> 3.- wrapping libraries
>     >>     >>>>>>
>     >>     >>>>>> This is how we did with MDL. This will be recommended
> when we
>     >> want to
>     >>     >>>>>> integrate existing libraries with Royale to make it work
> with
>     >> our APIs
>     >>     >>>>> in a
>     >>     >>>>>> more seamless way. But the problems is that this is very
>     >> laborious. Can
>     >>     >>>>> be
>     >>     >>>>>> useful for some concrete libraries and we should do when
>     >> needed (the
>     >>     >>>>> case
>     >>     >>>>>> is MDL). But the problem is that this not solve the
> problem of
>     >> our users
>     >>     >>>>>> that need to integrate a existing library themselves in a
>     >> quick way.
>     >>     >>>>>>
>     >>     >>>>>> Let me know if you know other way.
>     >>     >>>>>>
>     >>     >>>>>> For me method 1, is ok to do the work, but doesn't make
> us
>     >> justice.
>     >>     >>>>>> method 2 should be the main one if there's a fast and
> easy
>     >> way... I'm
>     >>     >>>>>> missing something here? Can users create typedefs
> themselves?
>     >>     >>>>>> method 3 can be useful for us or for users (doing their
> own
>     >> libs, and
>     >>     >>>>>> eventually can share with us to add to official royale
> repo
>     >> and sdk)
>     >>     >>>>>> but is something not fast at all and not as convenient
> and
>     >> direct as
>     >>     >>>>> method
>     >>     >>>>>> 2, and will require maintenance as libs change.
>     >>     >>>>>>
>     >>     >>>>>> Could we agree that this is the currently available ways
> in
>     >> Royale now
>     >>     >>>>> to
>     >>     >>>>>> use external JS libs?
>     >>     >>>>>>
>     >>     >>>>>> thanks
>     >>     >>>>>>
>     >>     >>>>>> --
>     >>     >>>>>> Carlos Rovira
>     >>     >>>>>>
>     >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fabout.me%2Fcarlosrovira&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C868c28fb190b470d90c608d6d00907c6%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636925134550849329&amp;sdata=Y4KEWA%2BiX8w0X8ERfqU5%2FzVlAoEIm8XeEkCowIeRC4Y%3D&amp;reserved=0
>     >>     >>>>>>
>     >>     >>>>>
>     >>     >>>>
>     >>     >>>>
>     >>     >>>> --
>     >>     >>>> Carlos Rovira
>     >>     >>>>
>     >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fabout.me%2Fcarlosrovira&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C868c28fb190b470d90c608d6d00907c6%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636925134550859338&amp;sdata=0jc3vowPhWNFT3kVOO40WG55yfBxqosrg10bfeckpDE%3D&amp;reserved=0
>     >>     >>>>
>     >>     >>>>
>     >>     >>>
>     >>     >>>    --
>     >>     >>>    Carlos Rovira
>     >>     >>>
>     >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fabout.me%2Fcarlosrovira&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C868c28fb190b470d90c608d6d00907c6%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636925134550859338&amp;sdata=0jc3vowPhWNFT3kVOO40WG55yfBxqosrg10bfeckpDE%3D&amp;reserved=0
>     >>     >>>
>     >>     >>>
>     >>     >>>
>     >>     >>
>     >>
>     >>
>     >>
>     >>
>     >
>     > --
>     > Carlos Rovira
>     >
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fabout.me%2Fcarlosrovira&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C868c28fb190b470d90c608d6d00907c6%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636925134550859338&amp;sdata=0jc3vowPhWNFT3kVOO40WG55yfBxqosrg10bfeckpDE%3D&amp;reserved=0
>     >
>     >
>     --
>     Carlos Rovira
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fabout.me%2Fcarlosrovira&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C868c28fb190b470d90c608d6d00907c6%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636925134550859338&amp;sdata=0jc3vowPhWNFT3kVOO40WG55yfBxqosrg10bfeckpDE%3D&amp;reserved=0

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