I definitely want the default choice to have as few surprises as possible when 
it comes to how ActionScript behaves in Royale. We'll never have a perfect 
emulation, of course, but there are things that I think can still be improved. 
At the same time, I think it's perfectly valid for someone to want to opt into 
a typed Array that doesn't have the runtime overhead of Vector and isn't as 
heavy in file size. I'm wary of the solution being a custom implementation of 
Vector with missing features, though. It will lead to confusion, even if it's 

What Harbs suggested seems like a smart way to go. Rather than having a 
separate Vector implementation that doesn't work as developers are used to, a 
new variation of Array that has compile-time type checks but no runtime checks 
sounds like a more elegant solution. Like Vector works in Royale today, it can 
compile down to a regular JS Array, but at compile-time, we'd have some extra 
safety and could even possibly cast back and forth with untyped Arrays (which 
we can't do with Vector).

- Josh

On 2019/05/29 18:07:31, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID> wrote: 
> We must not eliminate choices.
> I still haven't had time to look at the branch.
> There must be away to avoid even a 1K cost to those who don't need it.
> If there is such a way, then it is fine to merge.  Otherwise, everyone is 
> going to pay 2K to use a Vector when we know at least two apps are in 
> production without needing that 2k.
> There are too many words being written and no technical points being made.  I 
> will try to resummarize.
> 1) It does not matter how fast your network is.  Every other app will use 
> more bandwidth and when the network gets busy or connectivity gets poor 
> (something I see quite frequently where I live) either you get your app to 
> run or you run out of time.  
> 2) If you are not using some feature of our code, you should not have to pay 
> for it in download cost.  That's PAYG.  That would be true for Vector, XML 
> and even if we had to write a Date implementation.  It is not an issue of 
> non-conforming.  It is an issue of optimization.  If you aren't going to use 
> some feature of E4x you should have the option of using code that doesn't 
> have those code paths.  Same for if we had to do Date.
> We know that if you don't need runtime-type checking and fixed-length 
> checking that a plain Array is just fine and 2K cheaper.  Let's give folks 
> the option to do that.
> I will repeat that I do not have any objection to having a full Vector 
> implementation with runtime type-checking and fixed length checking be the 
> default choice as long as folks can optimize back to using the plain Array 
> code we use now.
> For the one Vector we currently have in all apps for the Strand, it might be 
> time to change that to an array and check the type (in debug-only code) on 
> addBead.  Either that or we add compiler options so that one Vector gets 
> optimized to the current plain Array code.
> It is not a technical argument to classify Vector as "Language" and therefore 
> somehow an exception to being optimizable.
> My 2 cents,
> -Alex
> On 5/28/19, 2:59 AM, "Carlos Rovira" <carlosrov...@apache.org> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     I think that we all agree in most of the things, and although we're
>     discussing some particularities on how to solve, my opinion is that those
>     particularities can be solved after merging Language improvements branch.
>     We all agree we need this Vector (and other improvements in this branch)?.
>     So, after that merge folks wanting to improve, let's say, Vector(for
>     example) even more with new choices can do that without problem and will
>     make it even better.
>     Are we ok with that?
>     El mar., 28 may. 2019 a las 11:07, Harbs (<harbs.li...@gmail.com>) 
> escribió:
>     >
>     > > On May 28, 2019, at 11:12 AM, Greg Dove <greg.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
>     > >
>     > >> "I personally have never used length checking in Vector. Nor was 
> runtime
>     > >> type checking on Vectors important to me. "
>     > > length checking is automatic in flash. I don't know that you 'use' 
> it...
>     > it
>     > > is just there.
>     >
>     > True. What I meant is that I never used fixed length Vectors.
>     >
>     > > In javascript I expect it would most often be switched off in all 
> release
>     > > builds, but having it on by default provides another check of 
> something
>     > > that could provide a vital clue to help people figuring out problems 
> in
>     > > code.
>     > > So far each 'stronger typing' feature added in the last few months has
>     > > revealed potential issues or - most often - bad code that was working
>     > when
>     > > it should not
>     >
>     > Good points, and one that argues for the ability to have these checks
>     > while debugging and have the run-time code removed on release.
>     >
>     > > One thing about the mxml stuff is that it gets processed in a way 
> that is
>     > > untyped.
>     >
>     >
>     > Agree. I do wish there was some way for MXML to be output “better” where
>     > minified vars could “just work” and types could be better inferred from 
> the
>     > MXML files.
>     -- 
>     Carlos Rovira
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fabout.me%2Fcarlosrovira&data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Ce8d86e6cf4aa4271e8ad08d6e35326eb%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636946343611259722&sdata=g8BXA5jwwT98fAbwdMR2FqmJ3CgKd01zsm1lpt5pTDg%3D&reserved=0

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