I see.  I was waiting for the build to be fixed before moving it over.  Or
have folks run into a dead-end trying to figure out what is wrong with
royale-asjs ?

On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 11:03 PM Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.invalid>

> Also, once royale-asjs completes, it is going to kick off lots of other
> jobs on agent 1 that will compete with the release jobs.  Ideally, all
> non-release jobs would be moved over to the new agent VM.
> -Alex
> On 4/20/20, 10:55 PM, "Alex Harui" <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID> wrote:
>     Yes, royale-asjs (which is currently building on agent1 and blocking
> the release job).
>     -Alex
>     On 4/20/20, 10:53 PM, "OmPrakash Muppirala" <bigosma...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>         Update - royale-asjs_jsonly successfully build on my agent VM.
>         Right now, we have 3 jobs running on this VM:
>         1. royale-asjs_jsonly
>         2. royale-compiler
>         3. royale-typedefs
>         Are there any other jobs we need to move to the new agent?
>         Yishay, can you please confirm that your release jobs are running
> without
>         being hindered by CI jobs?
>         Thanks,
>         Om
>         On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 12:05 AM OmPrakash Muppirala <
> bigosma...@gmail.com>
>         wrote:
>         >
>         > On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 12:01 AM Alex Harui
> <aha...@adobe.com.invalid>
>         > wrote:
>         >
>         >> I see compiler-jx/lib in the Workspace for royale-compiler on
> my VM.  If
>         >> you are talking about your VM, you can compare console output
> from recent
>         >> successful builds on both VMs.
>         >>
>         >>
>         > I was talking about my VM.
>         > A rebuild of royale-compiler seems to have fixed that problem.
> Now
>         > royale-typedefs passes as well!
>         >
>         > Next up royale-asjs_jsonly...
>         >
>         >
>         >> I'm done for tonight.  Good luck,
>         >> -Alex
>         >>
>         >> On 4/19/20, 11:50 PM, "OmPrakash Muppirala" <
> bigosma...@gmail.com>
>         >> wrote:
>         >>
>         >>     On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 11:37 PM Alex Harui
> <aha...@adobe.com.invalid
>         >> >
>         >>     wrote:
>         >>
>         >>     > Royale-compiler has to be built first.  This is an
> example of shared
>         >>     > resources that I mentioned upthread.  Royale-typedefs is
> going to
>         >> look for
>         >>     > a sibling workspace folder called royale-compiler with a
> built of
>         >>     > royale-compiler in it.  If royale-compiler fails to
> create all of
>         >> its
>         >>     > binaries or is in the process of building them,
> royale-typedefs
>         >> will report
>         >>     > an error.
>         >>     >
>         >>
>         >>     Got it.  I was just looking at the logic here:
>         >>
>         >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fapache%2Froyale-typedefs%2Fblob%2F85c74dde104294a0127ce46a8795d7534216e7eb%2Fjs%2Fbuild.xml%23L53&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Ca60134b4e7dc40ba25bb08d7e5b88d70%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637230453126971265&amp;sdata=QPt6lvVwPBgoVhmAg8%2B%2FeiBxjq9%2FHYLreIG2brTGfuE%3D&amp;reserved=0
>         >>
>         >>     Weird.  The royale-compiler build says it was successful,
> but I cant
>         >> find
>         >>     the lib directory under
>         >> C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-compiler\compiler-jx
>         >>
>         >>
>         >>
>         >>
>         >>     >
>         >>     > What should probably happen is that royale-typedefs pulls
> down the
>         >>     > lastsuccessfulartifacts from royale-compiler, but I've
> never found
>         >> enough
>         >>     > time and energy to try to make changes like that since
> most of us
>         >> do have
>         >>     > all of the folders as siblings.
>         >>     >
>         >>     > HTH,
>         >>     > -Alex
>         >>     >
>         >>     > On 4/19/20, 11:31 PM, "OmPrakash Muppirala" <
> bigosma...@gmail.com>
>         >> wrote:
>         >>     >
>         >>     >     I am now getting this error on royale-typedefs build:
>         >>     >
>         >>     >     BUILD
> FAILEDc:\jenkins\workspace\royale-typedefs\build.xml:58:
>         >> The
>         >>     >     following error occurred while executing this line:
>         >>     >     c:\jenkins\workspace\royale-typedefs\js\build.xml:91:
> src
>         >>     >
>         >>     >
>         >>
> 'c:\jenkins\workspace\royale-typedefs\js\${ROYALE_TRANSPILER_HOME}\lib\google\closure-compiler\compiler.jar'
>         >>     >     doesn't exist.
>         >>     >
>         >>     >
>         >>     >     Where does the ROYALE_TRANSPILER_HOME var come from?
>         >>     >
>         >>     >     Here is the full console output:
>         >>     >
>         >>     >
>         >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapacheroyaleci2.westus2.cloudapp.azure.com%3A8080%2Fview%2FAgent%25202%2520&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Ca60134b4e7dc40ba25bb08d7e5b88d70%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637230453126981256&amp;sdata=CgDdnMTfn3BVaF5eLt%2BX4rAX3gdpsb4MPT4jR97aLB8%3D&amp;reserved=0(Om's%20VM)/job/royale-typedefs/552/console
>         >>     >
>         >>     >     On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 11:24 PM OmPrakash Muppirala <
>         >>     > bigosma...@gmail.com>
>         >>     >     wrote:
>         >>     >
>         >>     >     > On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 11:08 PM Alex Harui
>         >> <aha...@adobe.com.invalid
>         >>     > >
>         >>     >     > wrote:
>         >>     >     >
>         >>     >     >> Congratulations!  But does that mean that
>         >> pointing at
>         >>     > a JRE
>         >>     >     >> instead of a JDK?  If you have other issues that
> might be a
>         >> factor.
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >     >
>         >>     >     > Yeah, I messed up initially by getting the JRE
> instead of
>         >> JDK.  I
>         >>     > have
>         >>     >     > since corrected it.  But for some reason Ant still
> thinks that
>         >>     > JAVA_HOME is
>         >>     >     > the jre directory.
>         >>     >     > I don't know how to fix this, hence the hack :-|
>         >>     >     >
>         >>     >     >
>         >>     >     >
>         >>     >     >
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >     >> HTH,
>         >>     >     >> -Alex
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >     >> On 4/19/20, 10:50 PM, "OmPrakash Muppirala" <
>         >> bigosma...@gmail.com>
>         >>     >     >> wrote:
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >     >>     I copied tools.jar from  jdk/lib to the
> jre/lib.  That
>         >> seems to
>         >>     > have
>         >>     >     >> fixed
>         >>     >     >>     the issue.
>         >>     >     >>     We now have a successful build of the
> royale-compiler on
>         >> the
>         >>     > new Agent
>         >>     >     >>     machine!!
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >     >>     On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 10:44 PM OmPrakash
> Muppirala <
>         >>     >     >> bigosma...@gmail.com>
>         >>     >     >>     wrote:
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >     >>     > Restart dint help.  Although Serkan's reply
> made me
>         >> look at
>         >>     > how Ant
>         >>     >     >> was
>         >>     >     >>     > getting invoked.
>         >>     >     >>     >
>         >>     >     >>     > I see this warning that tools.jar is missing:
>         >>     >     >>     >
>         >>     >     >>     > [royale-compiler] $ cmd.exe /C
>         >>     >     >> "C:\apache\apache-ant-1.9.9\bin\ant.bat -file
> jenkins.xml
>         >>     >     >> -Denv.ASJS_HOME=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs
> main && exit
>         >>     >     >> %%ERRORLEVEL%%"
>         >>     >     >>     >
>         >>     >     >>     > Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find
> it in
>         >> C:\Program
>         >>     >     >> Files\Java\jre1.8.0_251\lib\tools.jar
>         >>     >     >>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >
>         >>     >     >>     > I am pretty sure this is related to this
> issue.
>         >>     >     >>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >
>         >>     >     >>     > On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 10:29 PM OmPrakash
> Muppirala <
>         >>     >     >> bigosma...@gmail.com>
>         >>     >     >>     > wrote:
>         >>     >     >>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>
>         >>     >     >>     >>
>         >>     >     >>     >> On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 10:15 PM Alex Harui
>         >>     >     >> <aha...@adobe.com.invalid>
>         >>     >     >>     >> wrote:
>         >>     >     >>     >>
>         >>     >     >>     >>> Did you reboot your VM?  Also, have you
> checked what
>         >> user is
>         >>     >     >> running
>         >>     >     >>     >>> Jenkins on your VM?  I think that can
> sometimes be a
>         >>     > problem.  I
>         >>     >     >> might be
>         >>     >     >>     >>> running Jenkins as the user.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>     >> Agents don't require Jenkins to be
> running.  I will
>         >> give the
>         >>     >     >> rebooting of
>         >>     >     >>     >> the VM a shot .
>         >>     >     >>     >>
>         >>     >     >>     >> Thanks,
>         >>     >     >>     >> Om
>         >>     >     >>     >>
>         >>     >     >>     >>
>         >>     >     >>     >>> -Alex
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>> On 4/19/20, 10:01 PM, "OmPrakash
> Muppirala" <
>         >>     > bigosma...@gmail.com
>         >>     >     >> >
>         >>     >     >>     >>> wrote:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 9:55 PM Alex
> Harui
>         >>     >     >> <aha...@adobe.com.invalid>
>         >>     >     >>     >>> wrote:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > Should be here:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >
>         >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapacheroyaleci2.westus2.cloudapp.azure.com%3A8080%2FconfigureTools%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Ca60134b4e7dc40ba25bb08d7e5b88d70%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637230453126981256&amp;sdata=wmUYQ8yANnUuo4i%2F7FXqjsPwQzd4bL%2Bh4gUoR3xa%2BIA%3D&amp;reserved=0
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     My git is located in the same exact
> location as
>         >> master.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     Moreover, the git call from the
> commandline
>         >> executes
>         >>     > fine.
>         >>     >     >> The git
>         >>     >     >>     >>> call
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     from ant exec is what is failing.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > HTH,
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > -Alex
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > From: OmPrakash Muppirala <
>         >> bigosma...@gmail.com>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > Reply-To: "dev@royale.apache.org" <
>         >>     > dev@royale.apache.org>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > Date: Sunday, April 19, 2020 at 9:37
> PM
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > To: Apache Royale Development <
>         >> dev@royale.apache.org>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > Subject: Re: Prioritize Release Jobs
> on CI
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > I'm a bit stumped here.  The
> royale-compiler is
>         >>     > failing
>         >>     >     >> with this
>         >>     >     >>     >>> error:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > BUILD FAILED
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >> c:\jenkins\workspace\royale-compiler\jenkins.xml:55:
>         >>     > Execute
>         >>     >     >>     >>> failed:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > java.io.IOException: Cannot run
> program "git"
>         >> (in
>         >>     > directory
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
> "c:\jenkins\workspace\royale-compiler"):
>         >> CreateProcess
>         >>     >     >> error=2,
>         >>     >     >>     >>> The system
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > cannot find the file specified
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >   at
> java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(Unknown
>         >> Source)
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > It is from this part of the
> jenkins.xml:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     <target
> name="closure-lib-download"
>         >>     > description="Copies
>         >>     >     >> Closure
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > Library from GitHub">
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >         <echo message="Be patient.
> This takes
>         >> a few
>         >>     >     >> minutes..." />
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >         <exec executable="git"
>         >>     > failifexecutionfails="true">
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >             <arg value="clone" />
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >             <arg value="
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >
>         >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fgoogle%2Fclosure-library&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Ca60134b4e7dc40ba25bb08d7e5b88d70%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637230453126981256&amp;sdata=aaSDpyVpWdqmVar4s8SJuKUDYRzuhwQ8J6%2BZCcpO56c%3D&amp;reserved=0
>         >>     >     >>     >>> <
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >
>         >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fgoogle%2Fclosure-library&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Ca60134b4e7dc40ba25bb08d7e5b88d70%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637230453126981256&amp;sdata=aaSDpyVpWdqmVar4s8SJuKUDYRzuhwQ8J6%2BZCcpO56c%3D&amp;reserved=0
>         >>     >     >>     >>> >"
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > />
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >             <arg
> value="${closure.root}" />
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >         </exec>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >         <echo>Cloned fresh copy of
> Google
>         >> Closure
>         >>     >     >> Library</echo>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     </target>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > I am not sure how this executable
> call works
>         >> without
>         >>     > the
>         >>     >     >> full path.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > I checked the env variables, I do
> have both the
>         >>     > git/bin and
>         >>     >     >> git/cmd
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > directory in the PATH:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > [cid:ii_k97zkk9o0]
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > What am I missing?
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > Thanks,
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > Om
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > On Sat, Apr 18, 2020 at 11:54 PM
> OmPrakash
>         >> Muppirala <
>         >>     >     >>     >>> bigosma...@gmail.com
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > <mailto:bigosma...@gmail.com>>
> wrote:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > Update - I have successfully
> attached my VM as
>         >> a slave
>         >>     >     >> agent of our
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > Jenkins instance.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > I am going to pull the job -
>         >> /royale-asjs_jsonly and
>         >>     > tie it
>         >>     >     >> to my
>         >>     >     >>     >>> agent so
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > I can test it.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > It will fail for a sometime while I
> go set up
>         >> my VM
>         >>     > with
>         >>     >     >> all the
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > dependencies.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > Once we have the job successfully
> building on
>         >> my VM,
>         >>     > we can
>         >>     >     >> figure
>         >>     >     >>     >>> out how
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > to divide the load between the
> master and
>         >> agent.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > Thanks,
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > Om
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > On Sat, Apr 18, 2020 at 8:59 AM
> OmPrakash
>         >> Muppirala <
>         >>     >     >>     >>> bigosma...@gmail.com
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > <mailto:bigosma...@gmail.com>>
> wrote:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > We could achieve the same by
> creating a new
>         >> agent
>         >>     > (separate
>         >>     >     >> vm) and
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > attaching it as a slave to the
> current Jenkins
>         >> server.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > Then we can use labels/tags to tie
> release
>         >> jobs to one
>         >>     >     >> agent and
>         >>     >     >>     >>> non
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > release jobs to another agent.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > That way we can maintain everything
> in one UI,
>         >> one
>         >>     > login
>         >>     >     >> while
>         >>     >     >>     >>> achieving
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > the concurrent building capabilities
> we want.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > Jenkins is built for this kind of
> stuff and I
>         >> think it
>         >>     >     >> would be
>         >>     >     >>     >>> best we
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > followed this practice.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > Thanks,
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > Om
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > On Sat, Apr 18, 2020, 8:18 AM Alex
> Harui
>         >>     >     >> <aha...@adobe.com.invalid>
>         >>     >     >>     >>> wrote:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > Om, I thought you were going to get
> the image
>         >> from my
>         >>     > VM
>         >>     >     >> and run
>         >>     >     >>     >>> it on
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > another VM.  Then we'd remove all
> non-release
>         >> jobs
>         >>     > from
>         >>     >     >> your VM
>         >>     >     >>     >>> and all of
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > the release jobs from my VM.  That
> won't solve
>         >> the
>         >>     > problem
>         >>     >     >> of how
>         >>     >     >>     >>> long it
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > takes for a commit to be built and
> tested, but
>         >> will
>         >>     > allow
>         >>     >     >> the RM
>         >>     >     >>     >>> to get a
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > release out without getting stuck
> behind the
>         >> commit
>         >>     > jobs.
>         >>     >     >> Is that
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > currently the plan?
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > -Alex
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > On 4/18/20, 12:43 AM, "OmPrakash
> Muppirala" <
>         >>     >     >> bigosma...@gmail.com
>         >>     >     >>     >>> <mailto:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > bigosma...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     Makes sense to me.  I will set
> parallel
>         >> executors
>         >>     > back
>         >>     >     >> to 1.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     And start working on a new
> Jenkins
>         >> instance.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     Thanks,
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     Om
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     On Sat, Apr 18, 2020, 12:28 AM
> Alex Harui
>         >>     >     >>     >>> <aha...@adobe.com.invalid>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > wrote:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > Are you saying that Java, Ant
> and Maven
>         >> do not
>         >>     > know
>         >>     >     >> how to
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > distribute work
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > to different cores?
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > To repeat my main concern:
> our Jenkins
>         >> jobs
>         >>     > often
>         >>     >     >> use shared
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > resources.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > If you want to take the time
> to fix
>         >> that, feel
>         >>     > free,
>         >>     >     >> but I
>         >>     >     >>     >>> do not
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > know how
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > you are going to keep two jobs
> from both
>         >> trying
>         >>     > to
>         >>     >     >> launch
>         >>     >     >>     >>> Flash
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > Player
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > Debugger at the same time and
> open the
>         >> same
>         >>     > socket to
>         >>     >     >>     >>> communicate
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > with it,
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > or try to parse the
> flashlog.txt that
>         >> they have
>         >>     > both
>         >>     >     >> written
>         >>     >     >>     >>> to.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > The royale-asjs job will use
> the
>         >> royale-compiler
>         >>     >     >> workspace
>         >>     >     >>     >>> to get the
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > compiler.  If the compiler is
> building,
>         >> the
>         >>     > jars are
>         >>     >     >> not
>         >>     >     >>     >>> there and
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > the
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > royale-asjs build fails.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > There is also only so much
> memory and
>         >> some of
>         >>     > our
>         >>     >     >> jobs use
>         >>     >     >>     >>> all of it
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > and
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > I'm not sure if jobs slowed
> down due to
>         >> paging
>         >>     > memory
>         >>     >     >> and
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > writing/reading
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > from disk, even if it is an
> SSD.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > I'm done for tonight, but
> that's what I
>         >> was
>         >>     > seeing
>         >>     >     >> last time
>         >>     >     >>     >>> I tried
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > to
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > have both master and an agent
> running
>         >> jobs in
>         >>     >     >> parallel.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > Thanks,
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > -Alex
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > On 4/17/20, 11:52 PM,
> "OmPrakash
>         >> Muppirala" <
>         >>     >     >>     >>> bigosma...@gmail.com
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > <mailto:bigosma...@gmail.com>>
> wrote:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     A typical setup would be
> to have 0
>         >>     > executors on
>         >>     >     >> master
>         >>     >     >>     >>> and at
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > least n
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     number of executors on
> each agent,
>         >> where n =
>         >>     >     >> number of
>         >>     >     >>     >>> cpu cores.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     I see that the current VM
> has 2
>         >> cores.  So,
>         >>     > I
>         >>     >     >> started
>         >>     >     >>     >>> with
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > setting the
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > num
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     executors on the current
> agent to 2.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     This should improve things
> quite a
>         >> bit.  If
>         >>     > this
>         >>     >     >> doesn't
>         >>     >     >>     >>> work, I
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > will
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     create a new VM and make
> it the
>         >> slave agent
>         >>     > of the
>         >>     >     >>     >>> current
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > Jenkins
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > master.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     Thanks,
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     Om
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at
> 11:31 PM
>         >> Alex Harui
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > <aha...@adobe.com.invalid>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     wrote:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > On your VM or mine?  I
> don't think
>         >> mine
>         >>     > can
>         >>     >     >> handle
>         >>     >     >>     >>> it.  I used
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > to
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > run jobs
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > of master and agent and
> we got
>         >> lots of
>         >>     > failures
>         >>     >     >> and
>         >>     >     >>     >>> jobs took
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > forever.  If
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > two jobs are trying to
> run tests
>         >> with the
>         >>     >     >> shared Flash
>         >>     >     >>     >>> Player
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > Debugger, for
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > example, you won't get
> consistent
>         >> results.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > -Alex
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > On 4/17/20, 11:23 PM,
> "OmPrakash
>         >>     > Muppirala" <
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > bigosma...@gmail.com<mailto:
>         >> bigosma...@gmail.com>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > wrote:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     I just realized that
> we have
>         >> only one
>         >>     > Agent
>         >>     >     >> (node)
>         >>     >     >>     >>> listed
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > under
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > Jenkins.  I
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     am going to add at
> least one
>         >> more
>         >>     > node to
>         >>     >     >> start
>         >>     >     >>     >>> with.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     Thanks,
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     Om
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     On Thu, Apr 16, 2020
> at 9:58
>         >> AM Alex
>         >>     > Harui
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > <aha...@adobe.com.invalid>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > wrote:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > I think I followed
> the
>         >> instructions
>         >>     > and
>         >>     >     >> enabled
>         >>     >     >>     >>> SSH.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > On 4/16/20, 9:37
> AM, "Yishay
>         >> Weiss"
>         >>     > <
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > yishayj...@hotmail.com<mailto:
>         >> yishayj...@hotmail.com
>         >>     > >>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > wrote:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     I haven’t
> gotten it to
>         >> work.
>         >>     > Could be
>         >>     >     >> ssh
>         >>     >     >>     >>> needs to be
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > enabled on
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > the
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > VM [1]. This is
> nice to have
>         >> but not
>         >>     >     >> essential.
>         >>     >     >>     >>> So Alex,
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > let
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > me know
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > if you
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > want to try that,
> otherwise
>         >> I’ll
>         >>     > suspend
>         >>     >     >> my
>         >>     >     >>     >>> efforts on
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > this.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     [1]
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >
>         >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmedium.com%2Ftechinpieces%2Fpractical-azure-how-to-enable-ssh-on-azure-vm-84d8fba8103e&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Ca60134b4e7dc40ba25bb08d7e5b88d70%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637230453126981256&amp;sdata=jSJ2d3k5CINKvWLZBZtymV641%2Fx%2BXnMnvLnThs74%2F%2Bo%3D&amp;reserved=0
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > <
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >
>         >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmedium.com%2Ftechinpieces%2Fpractical-azure-how-to-enable-ssh-on-azure-vm-84d8fba8103e&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Ca60134b4e7dc40ba25bb08d7e5b88d70%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637230453126981256&amp;sdata=jSJ2d3k5CINKvWLZBZtymV641%2Fx%2BXnMnvLnThs74%2F%2Bo%3D&amp;reserved=0
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     From: Yishay
>         >> Weiss<mailto:
>         >>     >     >>     >>> yishayj...@hotmail.com
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > <mailto:yishayj...@hotmail.com>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     Sent:
> Wednesday, April
>         >> 15, 2020
>         >>     > 5:09
>         >>     >     >> PM
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     To:
>         >> dev@royale.apache.org
>         >>     > <mailto:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > dev@royale.apache.org><mailto:
>         >> dev@royale.apache.org
>         >>     > <mailto:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > dev@royale.apache.org>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     Subject: RE:
> Prioritize
>         >> Release
>         >>     > Jobs
>         >>     >     >> on CI
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     I’d like to
> try and
>         >> install an
>         >>     > ssh
>         >>     >     >> server.
>         >>     >     >>     >>> Can anyone
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > think of a
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > reason not to do
> that? I’m
>         >> asking in
>         >>     >     >> terms of
>         >>     >     >>     >>> security,
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > and if
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > there
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > might
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > be a problem
> because it’s a
>         >> VM.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     Thanks.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     From: Yishay
>         >> Weiss<mailto:
>         >>     >     >>     >>> yishayj...@hotmail.com
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > <mailto:yishayj...@hotmail.com>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     Sent: Monday,
> April 13,
>         >> 2020
>         >>     > 10:02 AM
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     To:
>         >> dev@royale.apache.org
>         >>     > <mailto:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > dev@royale.apache.org><mailto:
>         >> dev@royale.apache.org
>         >>     > <mailto:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > dev@royale.apache.org>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     Subject: RE:
> Prioritize
>         >> Release
>         >>     > Jobs
>         >>     >     >> on CI
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     Related, as
> most (all?)
>         >> of the
>         >>     >     >> instructions
>         >>     >     >>     >>> don’t
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > require
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > anything but
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > a shell wouldn’t
> it be
>         >> easier and
>         >>     > faster
>         >>     >     >> to
>         >>     >     >>     >>> access the
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > machine
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > with
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > ssh
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > [1], rather than
> using remote
>         >>     > desktop?
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     [1]
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >
>         >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.microsoft.com%2Fen-us%2Fwindows-server%2Fadministration%2Fopenssh%2Fopenssh_install_firstuse&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Ca60134b4e7dc40ba25bb08d7e5b88d70%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637230453126981256&amp;sdata=q31IZr4su8m1osIy5KdPVmA8ZZ88UWmfJ0qNl%2B%2B%2F63o%3D&amp;reserved=0
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > <
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >
>         >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.microsoft.com%2Fen-us%2Fwindows-server%2Fadministration%2Fopenssh%2Fopenssh_install_firstuse&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Ca60134b4e7dc40ba25bb08d7e5b88d70%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637230453126991254&amp;sdata=Pwl5XmRxqfdJi%2F5elh6A2hgNZTX2JFnandVf7TVtMzc%3D&amp;reserved=0
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     From: Yishay
>         >> Weiss<mailto:
>         >>     >     >>     >>> yishayj...@hotmail.com
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > <mailto:yishayj...@hotmail.com>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     Sent: Monday,
> April 13,
>         >> 2020
>         >>     > 9:55 AM
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     To:
>         >> dev@royale.apache.org
>         >>     > <mailto:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > dev@royale.apache.org><mailto:
>         >> dev@royale.apache.org
>         >>     > <mailto:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > dev@royale.apache.org>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     Subject: RE:
> Prioritize
>         >> Release
>         >>     > Jobs
>         >>     >     >> on CI
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     Can’t you do
> that with
>         >> remote
>         >>     > desktop?
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>  ________________________________
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     From: OmPrakash
>         >> Muppirala <
>         >>     >     >>     >>> bigosma...@gmail.com
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > <mailto:bigosma...@gmail.com>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     Sent: Monday,
> April 13,
>         >> 2020
>         >>     > 9:51:25
>         >>     >     >> AM
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     To: Apache
> Royale
>         >> Development <
>         >>     >     >>     >>> dev@royale.apache.org
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > <mailto:dev@royale.apache.org>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     Subject: Re:
> Prioritize
>         >> Release
>         >>     > Jobs
>         >>     >     >> on CI
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     Alex,
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     I believe this
> is your
>         >> personal
>         >>     > Azure
>         >>     >     >>     >>> subscription
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > right?
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > Any
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > chance
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > I can
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     get access to
> it so I
>         >> can try
>         >>     > to copy
>         >>     >     >> the
>         >>     >     >>     >>> image out
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > the
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > machine
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > and
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     redeploy it
> somewhere
>         >> else?
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     Thanks,
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     Om
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     On Sun, Apr
> 12, 2020 at
>         >> 6:18 PM
>         >>     >     >> OmPrakash
>         >>     >     >>     >>> Muppirala <
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
> bigosma...@gmail.com<mailto:
>         >>     >     >> bigosma...@gmail.com
>         >>     >     >>     >>> >>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     wrote:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     > I can help
> set this up
>         >> on
>         >>     > Azure.
>         >>     >     >> Give me
>         >>     >     >>     >>> some
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > time to
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > work
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > out the
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     > details?
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     > Thanks,
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     > Om
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     > On Sun, Apr
> 12, 2020,
>         >> 11:49 AM
>         >>     >     >> Harbs <
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > harbs.li...@gmail.com<mailto:
>         >>     > harbs.li...@gmail.com>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > wrote:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> OK. Good to
> know.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> > On Apr
> 12, 2020, at
>         >> 9:45
>         >>     > PM,
>         >>     >     >> Alex Harui
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> wrote:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> > FWIW, I
> just looked
>         >> and the
>         >>     >     >> longest job
>         >>     >     >>     >>> in the
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > release
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > steps so
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > far is
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> 8 minutes.
> Most are
>         >> under 2
>         >>     >     >> minutes.
>         >>     >     >>     >>> There
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > might be
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > jobs
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > later
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > that take
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> longer that
> we
>         >> haven't run
>         >>     > yet.
>         >>     >     >> IMO, the
>         >>     >     >>     >>> issue
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > isn't
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > speed
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > of the
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > machine,
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> it is just
> that we are
>         >>     > sharing the
>         >>     >     >>     >>> machine with
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > longer
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > jobs
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > (1 hour
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > for
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >>
>         >> TourDeFlexMigration).  And
>         >>     > again,
>         >>     >     >> the
>         >>     >     >>     >>> machine
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > will be
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > idle for
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > stretches of
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> time while
> the RM
>         >> verifies
>         >>     >     >> artifacts
>         >>     >     >>     >>> after each
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > step.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> > -Alex
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> > On
> 4/12/20, 11:32
>         >> AM,
>         >>     > "Harbs" <
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > harbs.li...@gmail.com<mailto:
>         >> harbs.li...@gmail.com>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > <mailto:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >>
> harbs.li...@gmail.com
>         >>     > <mailto:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > harbs.li...@gmail.com>>> wrote:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >    Fair
> enough.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >    I
> expect builds
>         >> to be
>         >>     >     >> somewhere
>         >>     >     >>     >>> between 10
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > and 20
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > times
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > faster
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > on a
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> powerful
> machine.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >    Yeah.
> It’s
>         >> probably
>         >>     > going to
>         >>     >     >> be a
>         >>     >     >>     >>> bit of work
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > changing
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > the
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > server,
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> but
> probably worth it
>         >> in the
>         >>     > long
>         >>     >     >> run.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >    I
> think I’ll try
>         >> this
>         >>     > when I
>         >>     >     >> do the
>         >>     >     >>     >>> next
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > release
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > unless
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > Yishay
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > wants
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> to work
> with me on
>         >> this for
>         >>     > this
>         >>     >     >> release
>         >>     >     >>     >>> — but
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > I’m not
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > going
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > to be
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > able to
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> help until
> after
>         >> Passover
>         >>     > (i.e.
>         >>     >     >> next
>         >>     >     >>     >>> week).
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >    Thanks,
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >    Harbs
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >> On Apr
> 12, 2020,
>         >> at 9:22
>         >>     > PM,
>         >>     >     >> Alex Harui
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> wrote:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >> The
> Azure portal
>         >> says:
>         >>     > Standard
>         >>     >     >> F2s_v2
>         >>     >     >>     >>> (2
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > vcpus, 4
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > GiB
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > memory)
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >> I think
> I am
>         >> reading
>         >>     > changes to
>         >>     >     >> the
>         >>     >     >>     >>> build
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > process in
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > your
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >>
> suggestions.  I do not
>         >>     > really want
>         >>     >     >> to
>         >>     >     >>     >>> spend more
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > of my
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > time
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > on this
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> process.
> But if you
>         >> want to
>         >>     > do
>         >>     >     >> the work,
>         >>     >     >>     >>> that's
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > fine
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > with me.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >> -Alex
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >> On
> 4/12/20, 10:57
>         >> AM,
>         >>     > "Harbs" <
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > harbs.li...@gmail.com<mailto:
>         >> harbs.li...@gmail.com>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > <mailto:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >>
> harbs.li...@gmail.com
>         >>     > <mailto:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > harbs.li...@gmail.com>> <mailto:
>         >> harbs.li...@gmail.com
>         >>     >     >> <mailto:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > harbs.li...@gmail.com>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > <mailto:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >>
> harbs.li...@gmail.com
>         >>     > <mailto:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > harbs.li...@gmail.com>>>> wrote:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>   What
> kind of
>         >> horsepower
>         >>     > is
>         >>     >     >> included
>         >>     >     >>     >>> in the
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > free
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > Azure
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > account?
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>   The
> server I
>         >> mentioned
>         >>     > builds
>         >>     >     >>     >>> (considerably)
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > faster than
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > my own
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> local
> machine. The ci
>         >> server
>         >>     > seems
>         >>     >     >> to
>         >>     >     >>     >>> build many
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > times
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > slower.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>   One
> thing we can
>         >> do to
>         >>     >     >> minimize
>         >>     >     >>     >>> running
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > server time
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > would be to
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> transfer the
>         >> artifacts to
>         >>     > storage
>         >>     >     >> instead
>         >>     >     >>     >>> of
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > keeping
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > them on
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > the
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > server. On
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> AWS, I’d
> probably use
>         >> S3.
>         >>     > Not sure
>         >>     >     >> what
>         >>     >     >>     >>> the
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > similar
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > service on
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > Azure is
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> called.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>> On Apr
> 12, 2020,
>         >> at 8:26
>         >>     > PM,
>         >>     >     >> Alex
>         >>     >     >>     >>> Harui
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
> <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> <mailto:
>         >>     > aha...@adobe.com.INVALID
>         >>     >     >> <mailto:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > aha...@adobe.com.INVALID>>> wrote:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>> OK,
> that's pretty
>         >> much
>         >>     > how I
>         >>     >     >>     >>> understand Azure
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > as
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > well.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > The key
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > thing
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> is that
> "running"
>         >> includes
>         >>     > time
>         >>     >     >> where the
>         >>     >     >>     >>> CI
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > server is
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > not
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > running
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > any
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> Jenkins
> jobs.  The CI
>         >> Server
>         >>     > steps
>         >>     >     >> might
>         >>     >     >>     >>> take
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > only a few
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > hours of
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > actual
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> server
> time, but
>         >> there is
>         >>     > time
>         >>     >     >> where the
>         >>     >     >>     >>> RM is
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > verifying
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > artifacts
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > locally
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> so you'd be
> paying
>         >> for that
>         >>     > or the
>         >>     >     >> RM
>         >>     >     >>     >>> would have
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > to keep
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > shutting
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > down and
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> restarting.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>> Seems
> like it
>         >> would be
>         >>     >     >>     >>> cheaper/simpler to get
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > the
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > free
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > MSDN
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > account
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> and leave
> it running.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>> -Alex
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>> On
> 4/12/20, 10:15
>         >> AM,
>         >>     > "Harbs" <
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > harbs.li...@gmail.com<mailto:
>         >>     > harbs.li...@gmail.com>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > <mailto:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >>
> harbs.li...@gmail.com
>         >>     > <mailto:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > harbs.li...@gmail.com>>> wrote:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>  My
> experience is
>         >> with
>         >>     > AWS.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>  I
> assume
>         >> Microsoft has
>         >>     > similar
>         >>     >     >>     >>> offerings,
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > but I
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > don’t
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > have
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> experience
> with Azure.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>  AWS has
>         >> on-demand EC2
>         >>     >     >> instances
>         >>     >     >>     >>> which you
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > pay for
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > only
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > the
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > actual
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> time that
> they are
>         >>     > running.[1]
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>
> Instances can be
>         >>     > started and
>         >>     >     >> stopped
>         >>     >     >>     >>> via
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > command
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > line
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > (or via
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > the
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> web
> interface) as
>         >> long as
>         >>     > you have
>         >>     >     >> valid
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > credentials to
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > do so.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>  For
> example: an
>         >>     > m5.4xlarge
>         >>     >     >> instance
>         >>     >     >>     >>> has 16
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > cores
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > and
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > costs
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > about
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> $1.5 per
> hour. On a
>         >> machine
>         >>     > like
>         >>     >     >> that, a
>         >>     >     >>     >>> full
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > build
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > would
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > probably
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > take
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> less than
> 10 minutes.
>         >> It’s
>         >>     > probably
>         >>     >     >>     >>> possible to
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > do a
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > full
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > release
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > with only
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> a few hours
> of server
>         >> time.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>
> Leaving a server
>         >> like
>         >>     > that
>         >>     >     >> running
>         >>     >     >>     >>> all the
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > time
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > would get
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > expensive,
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> but if it’s
> just spun
>         >> up for
>         >>     >     >> releases,
>         >>     >     >>     >>> you’d get
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > very
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > fast
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > builds
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > at a
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> reasonable
> price.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>  I’d be
> happy to
>         >> pay
>         >>     > $10-$50
>         >>     >     >> (and
>         >>     >     >>     >>> possibly
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > more) per
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > release to
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > make
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> the release
> process
>         >> painless
>         >>     > for
>         >>     >     >> the RM.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>  [1]
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >
>         >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Faws.amazon.com%2Fec2%2Fpricing%2Fon-demand%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Ca60134b4e7dc40ba25bb08d7e5b88d70%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637230453126991254&amp;sdata=I6nnsWWwkkVZqrXV0Lpgz3civxZk8GfKFr%2BIlBYQ7AE%3D&amp;reserved=0
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > <
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >
>         >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Faws.amazon.com%2Fec2%2Fpricing%2Fon-demand%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Ca60134b4e7dc40ba25bb08d7e5b88d70%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637230453126991254&amp;sdata=I6nnsWWwkkVZqrXV0Lpgz3civxZk8GfKFr%2BIlBYQ7AE%3D&amp;reserved=0
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> <
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >
>         >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Faws.amazon.com%2Fec2%2Fpricing%2Fon-demand%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Ca60134b4e7dc40ba25bb08d7e5b88d70%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637230453126991254&amp;sdata=I6nnsWWwkkVZqrXV0Lpgz3civxZk8GfKFr%2BIlBYQ7AE%3D&amp;reserved=0
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > <
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >
>         >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Faws.amazon.com%2Fec2%2Fpricing%2Fon-demand%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Ca60134b4e7dc40ba25bb08d7e5b88d70%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637230453126991254&amp;sdata=I6nnsWWwkkVZqrXV0Lpgz3civxZk8GfKFr%2BIlBYQ7AE%3D&amp;reserved=0
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> ><
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >
>         >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Faws.amazon.com%2Fec2%2Fpricing%2Fon-demand%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Ca60134b4e7dc40ba25bb08d7e5b88d70%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637230453126991254&amp;sdata=I6nnsWWwkkVZqrXV0Lpgz3civxZk8GfKFr%2BIlBYQ7AE%3D&amp;reserved=0
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > <
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >
>         >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Faws.amazon.com%2Fec2%2Fpricing%2Fon-demand%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Ca60134b4e7dc40ba25bb08d7e5b88d70%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637230453126991254&amp;sdata=I6nnsWWwkkVZqrXV0Lpgz3civxZk8GfKFr%2BIlBYQ7AE%3D&amp;reserved=0
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> <
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >
>         >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Faws.amazon.com%2Fec2%2Fpricing%2Fon-demand%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Ca60134b4e7dc40ba25bb08d7e5b88d70%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637230453126991254&amp;sdata=I6nnsWWwkkVZqrXV0Lpgz3civxZk8GfKFr%2BIlBYQ7AE%3D&amp;reserved=0
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > <
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >
>         >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Faws.amazon.com%2Fec2%2Fpricing%2Fon-demand%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Ca60134b4e7dc40ba25bb08d7e5b88d70%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637230453127001247&amp;sdata=yxGhuT%2F%2BFMzF%2FMWf6g3chkVMaRKaWLZtcOXfUKXJxNo%3D&amp;reserved=0
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >><
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >
>         >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Faws.amazon.com%2Fec2%2Fpricing%2Fon-demand%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Ca60134b4e7dc40ba25bb08d7e5b88d70%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637230453127001247&amp;sdata=yxGhuT%2F%2BFMzF%2FMWf6g3chkVMaRKaWLZtcOXfUKXJxNo%3D&amp;reserved=0
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > <
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >
>         >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Faws.amazon.com%2Fec2%2Fpricing%2Fon-demand%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Ca60134b4e7dc40ba25bb08d7e5b88d70%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637230453127001247&amp;sdata=yxGhuT%2F%2BFMzF%2FMWf6g3chkVMaRKaWLZtcOXfUKXJxNo%3D&amp;reserved=0
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> <
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >
>         >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Faws.amazon.com%2Fec2%2Fpricing%2Fon-demand%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Ca60134b4e7dc40ba25bb08d7e5b88d70%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637230453127001247&amp;sdata=yxGhuT%2F%2BFMzF%2FMWf6g3chkVMaRKaWLZtcOXfUKXJxNo%3D&amp;reserved=0
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > <
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >
>         >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Faws.amazon.com%2Fec2%2Fpricing%2Fon-demand%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Ca60134b4e7dc40ba25bb08d7e5b88d70%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637230453127001247&amp;sdata=yxGhuT%2F%2BFMzF%2FMWf6g3chkVMaRKaWLZtcOXfUKXJxNo%3D&amp;reserved=0
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> ><
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >
>         >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Faws.amazon.com%2Fec2%2Fpricing%2Fon-demand%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Ca60134b4e7dc40ba25bb08d7e5b88d70%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637230453127001247&amp;sdata=yxGhuT%2F%2BFMzF%2FMWf6g3chkVMaRKaWLZtcOXfUKXJxNo%3D&amp;reserved=0
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > <
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >
>         >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Faws.amazon.com%2Fec2%2Fpricing%2Fon-demand%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Ca60134b4e7dc40ba25bb08d7e5b88d70%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637230453127001247&amp;sdata=yxGhuT%2F%2BFMzF%2FMWf6g3chkVMaRKaWLZtcOXfUKXJxNo%3D&amp;reserved=0
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> <
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >
>         >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Faws.amazon.com%2Fec2%2Fpricing%2Fon-demand%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Ca60134b4e7dc40ba25bb08d7e5b88d70%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637230453127001247&amp;sdata=yxGhuT%2F%2BFMzF%2FMWf6g3chkVMaRKaWLZtcOXfUKXJxNo%3D&amp;reserved=0
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > <
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >
>         >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Faws.amazon.com%2Fec2%2Fpricing%2Fon-demand%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Ca60134b4e7dc40ba25bb08d7e5b88d70%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637230453127001247&amp;sdata=yxGhuT%2F%2BFMzF%2FMWf6g3chkVMaRKaWLZtcOXfUKXJxNo%3D&amp;reserved=0
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>> On Apr
> 12, 2020,
>         >> at
>         >>     > 7:45 PM,
>         >>     >     >> Alex
>         >>     >     >>     >>> Harui
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
> <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> wrote:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>> I'm
> not very
>         >>     > experienced with
>         >>     >     >>     >>> spinning up
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > servers.  The
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > CI
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > server we
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> are using is
>         >> effectively
>         >>     > free,
>         >>     >     >> based on a
>         >>     >     >>     >>> generous
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > donation
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > from
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > Microsoft
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> of MSDN
> accounts to
>         >> ASF
>         >>     >     >> committers.  So I
>         >>     >     >>     >>> leave
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > it up
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > 24/7,
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > and
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > share the
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> RDP access
> on private@.
>         >> I
>         >>     > think
>         >>     >     >> any
>         >>     >     >>     >>> other ASF
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > committer
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > could do
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > the
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> same.
> IIRC, if that
>         >> server
>         >>     >     >> actually is
>         >>     >     >>     >>> stopped,
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > I have
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > to
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > use my
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > personal
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> (unshared)
>         >> credentials
>         >>     > to
>         >>     >     >> start it
>         >>     >     >>     >>> again.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >  AIUI,
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > if I
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > actually paid
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> for the
> server, it
>         >> would
>         >>     > cost me
>         >>     >     >> to leave
>         >>     >     >>     >>> it
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > running
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > even if
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > it
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > didn't run
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> jobs
> between releases.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>> Is
> that what you
>         >> are
>         >>     > basically
>         >>     >     >>     >>> saying?  I
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > think it
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > might
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > be
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > best if
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> another
> committer got
>         >> a CI
>         >>     > server
>         >>     >     >> going
>         >>     >     >>     >>> via the MS
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > donation
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > and
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > could leave
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> it up 24/7.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>> -Alex
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>> On
> 4/12/20, 9:28
>         >> AM,
>         >>     > "Harbs" <
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > harbs.li...@gmail.com<mailto:
>         >>     > harbs.li...@gmail.com>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > wrote:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>> I’m
> willing to
>         >> do this.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>>
> Considering that
>         >> the
>         >>     > release
>         >>     >     >> will be
>         >>     >     >>     >>> run
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > infrequently, it
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > should be
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> doable to
> have a
>         >> relatively
>         >>     >     >> powerful
>         >>     >     >>     >>> server that
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > could
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > be
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > spun up on
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> demand.
> This is
>         >> something I
>         >>     > have
>         >>     >     >> setup
>         >>     >     >>     >>> for my own
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > releases.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>> The
> only
>         >> complication
>         >>     > would
>         >>     >     >> be that
>         >>     >     >>     >>> each RM
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > would
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > need
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > valid
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> credentials
> to spin
>         >> up the
>         >>     > server.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>> Harbs
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>>> On
> Apr 12,
>         >> 2020, at
>         >>     > 7:10 PM,
>         >>     >     >> Alex
>         >>     >     >>     >>> Harui
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
> <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> wrote:
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> >>>>> A
> better
>         >> solution,
>         >>     > IMO, is
>         >>     >     >> for
>         >>     >     >>     >>> someone else
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     > to
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     > offer up
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     > a CI
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     > server
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >> only for
> release jobs.
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >     >>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>     >
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>     >>>
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >     >>
>         >>     >
>         >>     >
>         >>     >
>         >>
>         >>
>         >>

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