From what I’ve read [1] scripts injected dynamically will always load after 
static script elements. So I don’t think there’s a good way to ensure the 
proper order in run-time unless we do something like 
99a8c8356573ff16b668f2d39a447355c673fee3 , but that’s verbose and working with 
libs should be simple.

Any ideas?


From: Alex Harui<>
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2020 8:03 AM

Subject: Re: Script Loading Order (Continuing Heads-Up thread from Users)

Every time I look, closure seems to change how it works.  It looks like they 
are using callbacks and UIDs.  I assume they can't use await or Promise because 
of IE support.  I haven't looked at the code you generate, but might have to do 
something similar, IOW, wait for the callback or known value before continuing.

I think that if we create the script during the running of another script that 
we have to find a way to wait for that created script.

It might help to know what kind of initialization code needed the definition so 
early.  One alternative is that such code needs to be responsible for waiting.

Most of our Application classes have a wait mechanism.  We could leverage that, 
but that's also pretty late.

It could be that for Applications we generate the script in the head, and for 
modules we generate a separate script that is preloaded.


On 5/17/20, 9:03 AM, "Yishay Weiss" <> wrote:

    >Is the script tag from inject_script going before or after the script tag 
for the application (should be before, >IMO)?

    It’s going before but the network shows it’s loaded after.

    >Make sure the script tag has the same settings as the script tags google 
closure uses in js-debug.  I think they set some options so the scripts load in 

    I see type being specified in the gcl script elements, while inject ones 
don’t. I suppose it’s worth seeing if that makes a difference, though I 
couldn’t find evidence for that on the web.

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