
At the moment the Royale website depends on a private server running
WordPress. I wonder if it is time to build and deploy it using Royale

We don't need the great strengths of Royale--dynamic display, subtle
data-processing, and so on--to support the site. It is (as all projects
sites are intended to be) a flat, relatively static website. That should
mean that running our own website with the aid of our own tool should be
far from impossible.

What is required? If I understand correctly, we would need Infra to provide
a virtual machine on which we could install and run a stable instance of
Royale, and a repository of the site's source code in MXML and AS
files, just like a real Royale application.. Each time we updated a page or
a file in the website repository, Infra's automated tools would set off a
build and deployment of the updated site.

Some time ago a proof-of-concept was partly built to do this very thing, so
we have some resources to start from.


-- Since it is a simple website, it should probably be an exercise
contributors and committers at many skill levels could help work on.
-- It would give us a "brag" to point to.
-- We would move over to open-source resources, rather than those of
-- Infra has an efficient and stable CI process in place that can work with
Royale's command-line to trigger builds and deployment.
-- Other????


-- Time to migrate the existing site into Royale assets.
-- Other?????

What do you all think of such a proposal?


Andrew Wetmore

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