OK. I see that there’s fine-grained control over these. I used the following:

-export-public-symbols=false -prevent-rename-protected-symbols=false 

and I got:
2MB and gzipped to 629KB

It *almost* works. I found and fixed two cases of bracket access which broke 
things. Now I’m getting no errors, but it’s still not quite working. I’m 
guessing it’s something simple that I need to fix.

It also looks like that SWC code needs to changes. So that’s good.

This question is still puzzling me:
> I also noticed that none of these options seem to allow class names to be 
> dropped. That’s a lot of baggage being carried around for no apparent reason.

> On Dec 1, 2021, at 1:56 PM, Harbs <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for all this work!
> I finally got to trying this out on my huge production app.
> Here’s some stats.
> Original output before using the new options:
> 2.9MB gzipped to 777KB
> using just -export-public-symbols=false:
> 2.6MB gzipped to 734KB
> Now I have 4 (quite large) libraries compiled into swcs that I did not 
> recompile before these options. Recompiling them using 
> -export-public-symbols=false resulted in:
> 2.6MB gzipped to 731KB
> It was surprising to me that -export-public-symbols=false made such a small 
> difference on the libraries.
> I tried -prevent-rename-public-symbols=false on my project and I got:
> 2.1MB gzipped down to 627KB
> That’s a huge reduction in size. The problem is that this doesn’t actually 
> work. https://github.com/apache/royale-compiler/issues/200 
> <https://github.com/apache/royale-compiler/issues/200>
> I also noticed that -prevent-rename-public-symbols=false seems to only work 
> with mxmlc (mxmljsc) and not with compc. When I tried 
> -prevent-rename-public-symbols=false using compc I get an error: command line 
> unknown configuration variable 'prevent-rename-public-symbols’.
> Is there a reason this doesn’t work on compc? If I could allow renaming in my 
> libraries, I suspect I would save a lot more in size.
> I also noticed that none of these options seem to allow class names to be 
> dropped. That’s a lot of baggage being carried around for no apparent reason.
> Another question is how this all effects Framework code. Since the JS is 
> output when compiling the framework, is there any way to take advantage of 
> these options in framework code?
> Thanks!
> Harbs
>> On May 25, 2021, at 7:15 PM, Josh Tynjala <joshtynj...@bowlerhat.dev 
>> <mailto:joshtynj...@bowlerhat.dev>> wrote:
>> Some of my earlier changes made it safe to use public variables instead of
>> getters/setters, at least with the compiler defaults. With certain
>> combinations of compiler options, it is possible to make it unsafe again,
>> though.
>> If you decided to use -export-public-symbols=true and
>> -prevent-rename-public-symbols=false together, for some reason (this
>> wouldn't be common), that would make public variables unsafe to use again.
>> Closure compiler would make a separate copy of the variable with that
>> combination, which was the original issue that caused us to add the
>> warning. A copy is not made for getters and setters, so that's why that
>> advice became common. When you prevent renaming, Closure is forced to use
>> the original variable when exporting, so there is no copy, and it's safe.
>> --
>> Josh Tynjala
>> Bowler Hat LLC <https://bowlerhat.dev <https://bowlerhat.dev/>>
>> On Mon, May 24, 2021 at 11:07 PM Yishay Weiss <yishayj...@hotmail.com 
>> <mailto:yishayj...@hotmail.com>>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Josh,
>>> I still haven’t wrapped my head around all of this but thanks for the
>>> informative post. Does this somehow mean public vars are now always safe to
>>> use as opposed to having to covert them to public methods?
>>> From: Josh Tynjala<mailto:joshtynj...@bowlerhat.dev 
>>> <mailto:joshtynj...@bowlerhat.dev>>
>>> Sent: Monday, May 24, 2021 11:32 PM
>>> To: Apache Royale Development<mailto:dev@royale.apache.org 
>>> <mailto:dev@royale.apache.org>>
>>> Subject: Compiler options for reducing release build size of Royale
>>> projects (Part 2)
>>> Back in November, I shared a summary of some of the work that I've been
>>> doing on reducing the size of release builds generated by the Royale
>>> compiler. Essentially, I've been trying to ensure that we could take better
>>> advantage of Closure compiler's advanced optimizations for minification,
>>> which includes removing dead code and renaming symbols so that they have
>>> shorter names.
>>> Since then, I've made some more improvements to the Royale compiler, which
>>> will allow even more optimization. I figured that it is a good time to
>>> share my latest results.
>>> To fully understand the context of today's post, I recommend reviewing the
>>> introduction that I wrote for my earlier post (you can stop once I start
>>> talking about the results). Here's the link to the archive:
>>> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/rf53d200969d795a15bda5d6635b904d89fa7f6af151df5dca15ccbbb%40%3Cdev.royale.apache.org%3E
>>> <https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/rf53d200969d795a15bda5d6635b904d89fa7f6af151df5dca15ccbbb%40%3Cdev.royale.apache.org%3E>
>>> Last time, in my final set of results, some public symbols were allowed to
>>> be renamed in the release build, but some were not. If I tried to rename
>>> all public symbols, it would cause parts of the apps to stop working
>>> correctly. My work since then has been finding ways to ensure that more
>>> public symbols can be renamed safely.
>>> What I determined is that the way that we encode MXML data in JavaScript
>>> results in a lot of dynamically setting properties using string names,
>>> similar to `variable["propName"] = value`. Setting properties dynamically
>>> is generally bad when minimizing with Closure compiler because it won't
>>> understand that it needs to keep those properties, and it may remove them
>>> as dead code (even though it's not dead code), or it may change their names
>>> (while our code still uses the original names).
>>> Luckly, our MXML data in JS is well-structured, so it's possible to walk
>>> the JS tree when creating the release build and extract names that are used
>>> dynamically in MXML. Then, we can pass those names to Closure compiler
>>> manually. Basically, we're extending the Closure compiler with an extra
>>> analysis step that has specialized knowledge of Royale. This allows us to
>>> rename more public symbols because we can exclude the ones that we know
>>> cannot be renamed).
>>> I added a new compiler option, *prevent-rename-mxml-symbol-references*,
>>> which defaults to true. You will probably never want to change this to
>>> false, but the option is there, if anyone ever determines that it is needed
>>> in some edge case.
>>> Okay, now to the results. I built the same four app projects as last time.
>>> I used the following commits, if anyone wants to try reproducing on their
>>> own computer:
>>> royale-compiler: 65805281ea898b3a0225922f5956c864f810c423
>>> royale-asjs: fab5f5444e0e9ee7f8f59e5cf1d4b1144a31025e
>>> spectrum-royale: acf4007fa322d61e1d0ae874e4c2009f8645654c
>>> ==========
>>> Baseline: royale-compiler 0.9.7
>>> ==========
>>> HelloWorld: 71 KB
>>> ASDoc: 237 KB
>>> TourDeJewel: 1125 KB
>>> SpectrumBrowser: 944 KB
>>> As with my previous post, I built all of the example projects with the
>>> Royale 0.9.7 compiler first. However, I built them with the latest
>>> framework code. This ensures that only the differences in the compiler are
>>> being compared, and we don't have extra noise from differences in the
>>> framework code.
>>> -----
>>> Now, let's see some results with the latest compiler.
>>> All results below include the +/- difference in KB and %. These values are
>>> always in comparison to the baseline numbers above.
>>> ==========
>>> Result 1: Latest compiler with default options
>>> ==========
>>> HelloWorld: 87 KB (+16 KB / +23%)
>>> ASDoc: 261 KB (+24 KB / +10%)
>>> TourDeJewel: 1159 KB (+34 KB / +3%)
>>> SpectrumBrowser: 980 KB (+36 KB / +4%)
>>> As with the previous post, the increase in file size here is expected. The
>>> latest compiler fixes some bugs that were present in 0.9.7 that caused
>>> certain symbols to be renamed/removed when they should not have been.
>>> ==========
>>> Result 2: Disable symbol exports and allow non-public symbols to be renamed
>>> ==========
>>> HelloWorld: 74 KB (+3 KB / +4%)
>>> ASDoc: 226 KB (-11 KB / -5%)
>>> TourDeJewel: 966 KB (-159 KB / -14%)
>>> SpectrumBrowser: 897 KB (-47 KB / -5%)
>>> Compiler options used:
>>> *-export-public-symbols=false*
>>> *-prevent-rename-protected-symbols=false*
>>> *-prevent-rename-internal-symbols=false*
>>> These results are consistent with a similar test from my previous post. I
>>> included it to show that nothing has changed, and to have an intermediate
>>> step between the default options and the full optimizations.
>>> ==========
>>> Result 3: Allow public symbols to be renamed too
>>> ==========
>>> HelloWorld: 66 KB (-5 KB / -7%)
>>> ASDoc: N/A
>>> TourDeJewel: N/A
>>> SpectrumBrowser: 857 KB (-87 KB / -9%)
>>> Compiler options used:
>>> -export-public-symbols=false
>>> -prevent-rename-protected-symbols=false
>>> -prevent-rename-internal-symbols=false
>>> *-prevent-rename-public-symbols=false*
>>> This is a compiler option that I didn't include in the tests last time
>>> because renaming all public symbols broke every app before. Now that the
>>> Royale compiler walks the MXML data tree, it's possible to allow renaming
>>> of public symbols in some apps (but not all, for reasons I will explain).
>>> *This
>>> combination of compiler options provides the largest possible file size
>>> savings in release builds.*
>>> You'll notice that ASDoc and TourDeJewel are marked N/A. This is because
>>> they use the ConstantBinding class, which sets up bindings dynamically.
>>> <js:ConstantBinding sourceID="listModel" sourcePropertyName="iconListData"
>>> destinationPropertyName="dataProvider"/>
>>> When compiled to JS, this code basically converts to this:
>>> this[binding.destinationPropertyName] =
>>> this[binding.sourceID][binding.sourcePropertyName];
>>> Notice the bracket access with string values. Like I explained before,
>>> this is something that Closure compiler cannot detect.
>>> Technically, I could write another custom Closure compiler pass that looks
>>> for ConstantBinding objects in the MXML data tree and extract the property
>>> names. It wouldn't be hard, but what happens if new types of bindings are
>>> added that work similarly? Do I just keep adding them to the compiler as
>>> special cases? Or what if someone wants to use the compiler with a
>>> different framework and wants to move ConstantBinding to a different
>>> package? Do they need to modify the compiler too? It simply doesn't feel
>>> clean to me. So, if you want to use the
>>> -prevent-rename-public-symbols=false compiler option, I recommend avoiding
>>> ConstantBinding. Regular bindings with curly braces {} are fully supported,
>>> and they're what most people will be familiar with from Flex anyway.
>>> ==========
>>> Extra Result: Allow *some* public symbols to be renamed
>>> ==========
>>> ASDoc: 210 KB (-27 KB / -11%)
>>> TourDeJewel: 927 KB (-198 KB / -18%)
>>> Compiler options used:
>>> -export-public-symbols=false
>>> -prevent-rename-protected-symbols=false
>>> -prevent-rename-internal-symbols=false
>>> *-prevent-rename-public-static-methods=false*
>>> *-prevent-rename-public-instance-methods=false*
>>> That being said, even when using ConstantBinding or other dynamic features,
>>> it may be possible to rename a subset of public symbols. Most commonly,
>>> public methods are usually safe to rename because most people don't try to
>>> call methods dynamically. This final extra test is consistent with a
>>> similar result from my previous post.
>>> That was really long, so thank you for reading, if you made it to the end!
>>> --
>>> Josh Tynjala
>>> Bowler Hat LLC <https://bowlerhat.dev>

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