Hi everyone,
I created a proposal for SAMZA-1126, which addresses the semantics of
ProcessorId in Samza. For most purposes, ProcessorId is same as the logical
id that Samza assigns for each Yarn container. It is primarily used in
JobModel as a key for the corresponding ContainerModel and also, in
container-level metrics. We are expanding the applicability of processorId
to be beyond a fixed set of processors.

Please review and comment on this SEP.

For those who are not actively following the master branch, you may have
more questions than others. Feel free to ask them here.

@Xinyu: Since you are working on SAMZA-1067 and other related integration
APIs, can you please add an SEP for SAMZA-1067 ? This will help others (adn
me as well) get on the same page with your design/code. Let me know if
SEP-1 will work per your design for ApplicationRunner.


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