Hi Leonard,

Thanks so much for the advice. Using summary(nls(...)) I can get the
coefficient values, making life a lot easier. To see some of the implemented
code, visit the wiki:

Also, I updated the current RAddon.uno.pkg and you can download the latest
one here:

I think the bug you are experiencing where Rserve crashes is related to the
fact that connections between Calc and R were not being closed properly. I
think I fixed this, so if you can try it out now, I'd be grateful.

You'll notice quite a bit of new functions in the menu items (ANOVA, Linear
Regression, General Linear Models)... All of these were implemented in the
"scripting language thing" I made for the R/Calc interface.

Thanks again,

On 5/31/07, Leonard Mada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Wojciech,

this issue is really tough. Indeed, my first response probably still
holds. It is still the most simple solution to use:
s <- summary(the_nls_object)
and retrieve the information from 's'.

Yes, I know this is probably a suboptimal solution. In the meantime, I
have serious doubts that there will be a universal solution which will
cover every scenario.

The closest possibility might look like this (BUT it will be definitely
more complex than the method used until now):

Using either the PRINT-METHOD or the SUMMARY-METHOD

Every (is it really every object???) object can be printed  by R.
If we type x <- c(1,2,3,4) and then
> x
R invokes the print function which will display x

Similarly,  out<-nls(y ~ x^beta, start=list(beta = 3)), then when typing
>  out
R invokes a special print and outputs the result.

2.) Varieties of PRINT
Unfortunately, there is NO unique print. What looks trivial, is a set of
complex methods different for various objects.

To get an idea of the many print-methods, type at the R prompt:
>  apropos("print")

Depending on the number of packages attached, it will display a number
of print methods (54 on my base-install, much more IF any packages are

For the default data-structures in R (atomic data), the 'print.atomic'
or 'print.default' methods will be invoked. Actually, 'print.atomic'
calls 'print.default', see:
>  getAnywhere("print.atomic")

>  getAnywhere("print.nls")

will show you the details of the function that prints the output for an
object of class "nls", i.e. returning to your example:
>  out
R invokes the 'print.nls' method from the object 'out' and outputs:
>  out
Nonlinear regression model
  model:  y ~ x^beta
   data:  parent.frame()
residual sum-of-squares: 10.78

Number of iterations to convergence: 6
Achieved convergence tolerance: 1.518e-07

From 'getAnywhere("print.nls")', we can see that beta is retrieved
print(x$m$getAllPars(), digits = digits, ...)
i.e. out$m$getAllPars() will contain/compute the value for beta.

One can see, that the value is NOT stored inside a variable, BUT is
retrieved by a function: 'getAllPars()'

In the case of 'nlm' objects, the  methods/functions are stored in
'object'$m and this is the first object in the 'object'-list, i.e.:
> out$m
will output the list of methods/functions (out[[1]] is identical).

I really do NOT know if the methods are ALWAYS stored in 'object'[[1]]
or 'object'$m for the various objects. Objects might exist that do NOT
follow this rule.

You can get the methods applicable on an object with the following syntax:
> methods(class = "nls")
[1] anova.nls*       coef.nls*        confint.nls*     deviance.nls*
[5] df.residual.nls* fitted.nls*      formula.nls*     logLik.nls*
[9] predict.nls*     print.nls*       profile.nls*     residuals.nls*
[13] summary.nls*     vcov.nls*        weights.nls*

Methods marked with (*) are hidden methods.
[The class of an object can be identified using class('object_name'),
e.g. 'class(out)' ]

You see, 'nls' has both a 'print.nls' and a 'summary.nls' method, which
get invoked by the corresponding generic 'print'  and 'summary' methods.

Unfortunately, as you see form 'getAnywhere("print.nls")', the print
method does NOT produce a list, therefore extracting the useful
parameter is a little bit awkward.

You see, summary() is far better as it exports a list. So, my suggestion
is to test IF the class has a method 'summary', and then use the "s <-
summary('our_object')'" code to retrieve the information. You can surely
hard-code some parameters for a couple of functions, BUT as I think more
thoroughly, I see no easy solution to the more general approach.

I will try to solve this puzzle, but currently I do NOT have any better

Of course, iterating through 'object'[1:length('object')] is an
acceptable (and easy method) for most objects, BUT more complex objects
(that have functions and methods defined) pose a problem.

As already pointed out,
> out[[1]][[12]]()
will work, too and it will output beta (please note, that '()' is used
at the end; also neither out[1][[12], nor out[[1]][12]() will work; you
need the '[[]][[]]()')

However, it is dangerous to iterate through functions, as some may need
additional arguments (and NOT simply '()' ), while other may change



Wojciech Gryc wrote:
> Hi Leonard,
> My apologies for the silence with regards to your bugs. I will be
> addressing them shortly, trying to figure out what's happening. I just
> had one more question: if you use the built-in cell functions to call
> R, does it also crash after the first attempt? Maybe it's just an
> RDUMP issue.
> I've been improving the GUI scripting interface I made for Calc and
> it's been working very well. I'll be releasing yet another version
> soon, but want to address some bugs and smaller features first. One of
> the things I've been looking at is implementing some sort of curve
> fitting method into Calc, just because it's an easy example of the
> power R holds (see my blog for other methods I've implemented). I'm
> stuck with implementing nls(), which isn't a problem per se, but I
> have no idea how to retrieve coefficients.
> Here's the R code I'm using now:
> x<-c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
> y<-c(1,4,9,16,26,37,48,60)
> out<-nls(y ~ x^beta, start=list(beta = 3))
> The output in R gives me a value for beta near 2, which pretty much
> tells me I'm implementing the code correctly. However, I have no idea
> where to find beta in the R object structure... It seems to be hiding
> it somewhere that isn't as obvious with simpler structures like those
> for cor.test() or even anova().
> I'd be grateful for any advice.
> Thank you,
> Wojciech
> --
> Five Minutes to Midnight:
> Youth on human rights and current affairs
> http://www.fiveminutestomidnight.org/

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