Title: Szalai Kálmán
Hi Calc team,

We are working on a Validator that checks the formulas, cells, etc in Calc. The extension is written in Java. What is the main conditions that we should check and fix?
Currently we are checking for
reference to empty cell
refelence to text cell
non used value cells in formulas.

What other validations should we do?

Maybe we can select some from this list:

Also we created an extension for Watch Window but we had problem with R1C1 notation. Kohei was so kind to patch it, then we had problem with references in some system. All extension is opensorce, so I can send the code, or the extension for analysis.

KAMI911Best regards,

Kálmán „KAMI” Szalai | 神 | kami911 [at] gmail [dot] com

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