Thanks Niklas & Eike. So if I have understood correctly, I need to add my
to the list of functions (add,max etc.) so that when I call the
the formula gets evaluated according to my function. But that requires an
which I will have to generate ? Also, my formula follows a different grammar

What If I evalute my formula in a separate function rather than call
interpret and just return
the answer in a matrix. How do I then print the matrix ?

This is tough work. Appreciate all your help !!


On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 4:31 PM, Eike Rathke <> wrote

> The ScInterpreter ctor needs a ScFormulaCell anyway, calling
> ScFormulaCell::Interpret() takes care of that. Then use
> ScFormulaCell::GetErrCode() to check for error. As it seems you're
> expecting a matrix result you may then use ScFormulaCell::GetMatrix(),
> note that if the result was not a matrix a NULL pointer is returned and
> depending on IsValue() you may use GetValue() or GetString() to obtain
> the result.
> You'll have to create the ScFormulaCell instance with the ctor that
> takes a preconstructed ScTokenArray* and a BYTE as last parameter and
> pass the MM_FORMULA constant there, otherwise the matrix result would be
> thrown away and only the top left value survived as cell result.

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