Yes you are right. My understanding is that "the request method XXX is not 
allowed in upload", so that it can be used. 
We are thinking about PR to vert.x, maybe we can create a PR for them to 

------------------ ???????? ------------------
??????: "yhs0092"<>;
????????: 2018??11??5??(??????) ????10:21
??????: ""<>;

????: Re:   [Discuss][JavaChassis] about customization

Hi , I've searched for the descriptions about HTTP status 405, 
but the description[1] seems to indicate that this status is for those cases 
that request method is wrong, e.g. the request method is GET but the server 
only accept POST. So is it proper to use 405 in this scenario?
If there is no proper HTTP status, maybe we can use 500?

And I've create a task[2] to track this issue.


Yours sincerely

Yao Haishi

On 11/5/2018 20:24??bismy<> wrote??
Maybe we can send a

405 Method Not Allowed


------------------ ???????? ------------------
??????: "yhs0092"<>;
????????: 2018??11??1??(??????) ????8:56
??????: ""<>;

????: Re:  [Discuss][JavaChassis] about customization of

Hi, I've tried to remove ServiceComb exceptions from RestBodyHandler today. 
Technically, it is feasible.
In my test, I replace the ServiceComb exceptions with IllegalArgumentException 
in the case that upload directory is not specified and replace with 413 status 
code in the case that uploaded file is too large. In GlobalRestFailureHandler I 
recognize the exception and status code and then return corresponding response.

This solution seems working well, but there are still some details need to be 
discussed. The first one is whether it's proper to use IllegalArgumentException 
in this situation. I use it because I cannot find other Exception more 
accurately express the meaning "upload directory is not specified". The other 
one is that the logic to convert the exceptions into error response is set in 
GlobalRestFailureHandler. It seems not elegant, but I still don't find any 
better solution.

Yours sincerely

Yao Haishi

On 10/31/2018 17:54??yhs0092<> wrote??
Hi, one of the JavaChassis exception wrapped in RestBodyHandler is added by me.
I will try to remove the JavaChassis exceptions in RestBodyHandler and see 
whether it can works well.

Yours sincerely

Yao Haishi

On 10/31/2018 09:00??wjm wjm<> wrote??
currently we
1.disable upload feature when uploadDir is null, this is a general
2.wrap some exceptions to JavaChassis exception?? this is not a general

if there is only customization 1, maybe we can try to raise a PR to vertx
otherwise we always forget to merge latest vertx logic to our code.

maybe we can confirm if customization 2 is necessary.

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