+1 for removing spring 4 and springboot 1 from java-chassis 2.0. And I think 
they should still be kept in java-chassis 1.
By the way, when do we checkout the java-chassis 1.x branch? As Liubao 
mentioned the 1.x branch is the maintenance branch for java-chassis 1, but I 
cannot find this one in the branch list of the code repo[1]

[1] https://github.com/apache/servicecomb-java-chassis

Yours sincerely

Yao Haishi

??2019??11??27?? 09:54??Ang Li<liang951...@qq.com> ??????
It's a good idea to use one DM in java chassis, which will make the dependency 
tree much clearer.

But I still have another question. Besides modules provided for spring 4 and 
springboot 1, java chassis also uses spring 4 directly. In spring 5, many 
classes, interfaces and methods in spring-web package which used by java 
chassis is deprecated. Spring webflux is suggested instead.

Do we have any plan to upgrade spring 4 to spring 5 in java chassis? If so, how 
to deal with the deprecated usages?

Ang Li
From:&nbsp;"Liubao (A)"<bao....@huawei.com&gt;;
Date:&nbsp;Wed, Nov 27, 2019 09:43 AM

Subject:&nbsp;????: [DISCUSSION]remove spring 4 &amp; spring boot 1 support for 
servicecomb-java-chassis 2.0

We'll still fix bugs for 1.3.0 in 1.x branch.

??????: Willem Jiang [mailto:willem.ji...@gmail.com]
????????: 2019??11??26?? 17:48
??????: dev <dev@servicecomb.apache.org&gt;
????: Re: [DISCUSSION]remove spring 4 &amp; spring boot 1 support for 
servicecomb-java-chassis 2.0

It's make sense to drop the old version of third party dependency supports in a 
new major version. +1 to drop the support of Spring4 and Spring Boot 1.x in 
ServiceComb-Java-Chassis 2.0.

But I still want to ask what the support plan of servicecomb-java-chassis 1.x, 
normally we need to keep fixing bug of 1.x for at least half an year.

Willem Jiang

Twitter: willemjiang
Weibo: ????willem

On Tue, Nov 26, 2019 at 4:14 PM bismy <bi...@qq.com&gt; wrote:
&gt; Hello team,
&gt; As spring 4 &amp; spring boot 1 have reached end-of-line according to 
 start from servicecomb-java-chassis 2.0, we are going to remove all modules 
provided for spring 4 &amp; spring boot 1.
&gt; Some details information:
&gt; 1. remove all dependencies management: remove 
java-chassis-dependencies-spring4, java-chassis-dependencies-spring4, 
java-chassis-dependencies-spring-boot1, java-chassis-dependencies-boot2, and 
all of them are combined into one java-chassis-dependencies.
&gt; 2. remove all starters for spring boot 1, includes 
spring-boot-starter-discovery, spring-boot-starter-registry, 
spring-boot-starter-provider, spring-boot-starter-transports, 
spring-boot-starter-zuul, spring-boot-starter-zuul-zipkin, etc. In the future, 
we only provide spring-boot2 starters. Generally, we only keep 
spring-boot2-starter-standalone, spring-boot2-starter-servlet, and these two 
modules will renamed according to spring-boot conventions. Other starters will 
become [spring cloud 
Servicecomb-java-chassis will focus on it's main features.
&gt; Any suggestions?

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