On 9/3/06, Sean Schofield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

OK the problem was with my <h:commandLink>.  It was not nested inside
a <h:form> and thus behaving weirdly.  Tomahawk used to compensate for
this by creating a "dummy form" but we found that caused problems with
the RI.

I do have a new problem, however, which is that it can't seem to find
my dialog definitions (its telling me the dialog doesn't exist.)  I
created a new issue on this, SHALE-271

Two things -- first, how recent are the bits you're using?  I've been making
*lots* of changes through yesterday (a fun way to spend the commercials
while Oregon was whomping on Stanford :-), and the legacy implementation now
works for me.  I've also checked in a test app (shale-test-dialog2-legacy)
into the sandbox.  This webapp can be used manually to experiment (it even
has a split-screen mode so you can play with two active dialogs in two
different frames), plus it's got a basic system integration test (mvn
-Pitest clean install) to run a couple of simple scenarios automatically.
Next I'll see about doing something similar for the SCXML implementation.

The second thing is that, at the moment, you have to explicitly declare your
dialog configuration files in web.xml:


On my list of corrections is making it recognize this default location
automatically ... should be an easy fix.



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