On 2/10/07, Sean Schofield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

@Craig: Is your wife coming too?  I know you mentioned that as a
possibility in Austin.

Unfortunately not ... she's not a fan of going with me for conferences and
then just leaving her to fend for herself most of the time, so we've agreed
that our next trip to Europe will be vacation *only* :-).  That being said,
I'm going to target arriving Sunday morning (04/29) if possible, Saturday
morning if not.  I'm *definitely* not going to be able to stay afterwards,
though ... afterwards I have to fly home, trade suitcases, and head down to
SFO for JavaOne.



On 1/26/07, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My general session on Shale got accepted for ApacheCon Europe 2007 ...
> Friday May 4 at 10h30.  Hope to see anyone else who is coming
there!  And
> I'm planning on coming in early enough for Queen's Day on Monday.  Now I
> just need to go find an orange shirt ...
> Craig

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