Hi Jesse:

Re: concat/proxy, that's surprising to me. We (@ Google) use both all the
time, both in gadgets and as a standalone service (in the case of proxy).

In gadgets, resources are proxied in several ways:
A. When the gadget gets rewritten via feature="content-rewrite", which can
be requested explicitly or turned on by default.
B. When gadgets.io.getProxyUrl(...) is called to generate a URL.
C. When devs hard-code the URL (not recommended, but it happens).

Concat is used much less often than Proxy, as it's really just a batched
version of proxy and thus less generically applicable. It's most often used
to consolidate external CSS resource requests into one HTTP request.


On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 7:22 AM, Ciancetta, Jesse E. <jc...@mitre.org>wrote:

> Hi,
> I noticed that it doesn't appear that people are using the concat and proxy
> servlets in the wild and I was wondering if anyone might be able to provide
> any insight into why that is.  I looked at all the resources loaded for an
> iframed gadget on LinkedIn, iGoogle and a local instance of Atlassian JIRA
> and I didn't see any references to /concat or /proxy -- so it seems unless
> I'm missing something they aren't being used.
> I was also wondering if anyone might be able to share any high level
> performance tuning tips for a production Java Shindig installation.  I've
> already tuned the caches to make sure I have enough capacity in them and
> have done some JVM tuning, but I'm wondering if there are other things I
> should also be doing.
> Thanks!
> --Jesse

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