
Were you successful on getting this to work?  I tried a similar approach
today using urlrewritefilter with the mapping:

        <to type="redirect">http://myshindigserver/shindig/$1</to>

I see the request now changing using firebug


but it returns a 400 (Bad Request) because there is NO post data.  There
should be a JSON post data with the gadgets to return info about (at
least that's what I see on the request when they are on the same
domain).  This is EXACTLY the same symptom I saw if I just hardcoded the
fully qualified dns name of in container.js.

I'm wondering if Michael Hermanto's idea to use an iframe is going to
behave any differently.

So for now we are stuck running our shindig server and webapp on the
same domain.


-----Original Message-----
From: Isaiah Billingsley [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 3:56 PM
Subject: Re: Shindig and webapp on same host/domain or not?

Hi Doug,

I was the one asking this same question earlier in the thread you

What I ended up doing (or rather, what I am still in the process of
implementing) was to run my webapp on a separate server from Shindig,
but with a rewrite rule on my webapp server to my Shindig server.

e.g.*)$  -->$1

This allows my container page to make requests to the shindig server,
since the request is to the same domain. It also gives me the security
of scenario 3, because the gadget iframes are still rendered on as per container config.


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