Sounds right Doug.  Setting nocache to true will set the no cache query 
parameter on the iframe URL which I believe will tell the server not to 
cache the gadget. 

Just and FYI if you set RENDER_DEBUG to true in your container config the 
nocache parameter will get set to true automatically.


Phone: 978-899-3041
developerWorks Profile

From:   daviesd <>
To:     shindig <>, 
Date:   09/28/2011 10:41 AM
Subject:        Re: nocache

Maybe my misunderstanding.  Maybe the nocache on the javascript request 
means don¹t cache the resultant javascript returned.

If I add nocache to my renderParams

container.navigateGadget( gadgetSite, gadgetXml, [], {nocache: true} );

Then it seems to be working.  Is this correct?


On 9/28/11 10:27 AM, "daviesd" <> wrote:

> We are specifiying nocache on our javascript fetch (shindig 3.0.0)
> /gadgets/js/oclccontainer:rpc.js?c=1&debug=1&nocache=1&container=default
> However the gadget iframe url looks like
> er=default&view=default&lang=en&country=US&debug=0&nocache=0&sanitize=0
> Should this value be passed through?  Also, shouldn¹t I see c=2 (I think 
> is the directive for telling what features set to support ­ gadget or
> container).
> Our gadgets are getting cached and we want to be able to turn this off 
> debugging.  Is this the right way to do it or should we be setting a
> value?
> Thanks,
> doug

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