I've run into this situation a bunch of times myself and the best way I've 
found to get to the root of the issue is to turn on low level debugging 
directly in the networking API's.

Shindig is using HttpClient under the covers for all of its network fetching, 
and HttpClient is using the java.net API's under the covers to do the actual 
network communication -- so if you turn on debugging for the java.net API's you 
should be able to get a better idea of what's going wrong.

There's a reference here for enabling debugging for the java.net API's:


There also seem to be ways to turn on debug logging in HttpClient as well which 
may also be helpful (and may very well turn on the java.net debugging at the 
same time) although I've never tried this approach myself:



>-----Original Message-----
>From: Tony Chan (tchan2) [mailto:tch...@cisco.com]
>Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 6:46 PM
>To: dev@shindig.apache.org
>Subject: Failing to connect to https server through gadget
>Hi everyone,
>I'm having trouble connecting to an https server through my gadget.  I'm
>not sure if it's because I've installed the self-signed certificate
>incorrectly in the cacerts file or because I'm doing my makeRequest
>incorrectly.  If I do a keytool -list -keystore <path to cacerts> I can
>definitely see my alias for the key in there.  In my makeRequest, using
>AuthorizationType.NONE gives me a 500 peer unauthenticated error while
>using AuthorizationType.SIGNED gives me a 200 OK status, but what's
>returned looks to be a 403 oauthError with text saying "Unable to
>retrieve consumer key".
>I have followed the documentation file that came with tomcat
>"ssl-howto.html" and edited the connector settings in server.xml, but
>that hasn't seemed to help.  I am able to use makeRequest to get a
>response from a server not using https.  I'm rather stumped as to what I
>should try next.
>Thanks in advance,
>Tony Chan

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