Hi everyone,


I'm having trouble connecting to an https server through my gadget.  I'm
not sure if it's because I've installed the self-signed certificate
incorrectly in the cacerts file or because I'm doing my makeRequest
incorrectly.  If I do a keytool -list -keystore <path to cacerts> I can
definitely see my alias for the key in there.  In my makeRequest, using
AuthorizationType.NONE gives me a 500 peer unauthenticated error while
using AuthorizationType.SIGNED gives me a 200 OK status, but what's
returned looks to be a 403 oauthError with text saying "Unable to
retrieve consumer key".


I have followed the documentation file that came with tomcat
"ssl-howto.html" and edited the connector settings in server.xml, but
that hasn't seemed to help.  I am able to use makeRequest to get a
response from a server not using https.  I'm rather stumped as to what I
should try next.


Thanks in advance,

Tony Chan

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