So how does a gadget know what service name to use since every container
could define facebook differently.


On 11/21/11 2:34 PM, "Ryan J Baxter" <> wrote:

> Mike, usually the provider information is configured before hand.  Your
> container could choose to allow gadget developers to register the provider
> information, but this is outside the scope of Shindig and the OpenSocial
> spec.
> -Ryan
> Email:
> Phone: 978-899-3041
> developerWorks Profile
> From:   Michael Matthews <>
> To:     <>,
> Date:   11/21/2011 02:27 PM
> Subject:        Oauth 2 consumer implementation
> My organization is investigating implementing a "production-ready" version
> of Shindig's OAuth2 Consumer implementation. After reviewing the wiki at
> (in particular
> Apache+Shindig) and studying  the code to Shindig's sample OAuth2 Consumer
> implementation, it appears that we need to implement our own version of
> the
> OAuth2PersistenceModule  (e.g. use a database instead of oauth2.json).
> Some of our remaining questions center around when/how some of the OAuth2
> related data is persisted.
> Presumably, a gadget developer will declare what OAuth2 services they use
> in
> their gadget.xml like so:
> <OAuth2>
>   <Service name="googleAPI_test" scope="";>
>     <Authorization
> url="";></Authorization>
>     <Token url="";></Token>
>   </Service>
> </OAuth2>
> They will then invoke this service using
> Is the expectation that the Shindig container have this OAuth2 provider
> pre-configured before the gadget is rendered?  Is it possible to register
> a
> provider (in this case Google) at runtime?
> Thanks
> Mike

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