Yeah we can remove it, it just help me doing less typing =)

I will set a review for this.

Thanks a lot Dan.

- Henry

On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 11:29 AM, Dan Dumont <> wrote:
> No problem, and it doesn't sound like a bad idea.  1 comment.
> /**
>  * @inheritDoc
>  */
> osapi.container.GadgetSite.prototype.close = function() {
>; // super.close();
> };
> You don't need to define this at all if you're only calling super.
> Were you going to set up a review?
> From:   Henry Saputra <>
> To:     "" <>,
> Date:   03/23/2012 02:23 PM
> Subject:        Question about gagdet_site.js GadgetSite.close impl for
> close() function
> Thanks much for the reply Dan.
> Ah no problem so far. We are not using the buffer feature but Just re
> visiting the flow in planning to do so. Also The cc spec is going to be
> out
> of incubation for 2.5 I believe, so I am trying to fix and cleanup the
> code
> as much as possible for Shindig final next release.
> I think calling Site.getActiveSiteHolder should return the currently
> active
> holder which should be the currentGadgetHolder_  because its a public
> function that can be called via gadget site.
> My JS foo is not super but checking the loadingGadgetHolder_ if exist in
> the getActiveSiteHolder function is probably done to cover scenario where
> the GadgetSite used the first time and somehow the JavaScript interrupted
> before finishing rendering the gadget (which I am not sure how this could
> happen).
> As for cleaning up, we could just do this in site.js:
> /**
>  * Closes this site.
>  */
> osapi.container.Site.prototype.close = function() {
>  this.disposeSiteHolders();
> };
> /**
>  * Dispose the internal site holders.
>  * @abstract
>  */
> osapi.container.GadgetSite.prototype.disposeSiteHolders = function() {
>  throw new Error("This method must be implemented by a subclass.");
> }
> and in gadget_site.js:
> /**
>  * @inheritDoc
>  */
> osapi.container.GadgetSite.prototype.close = function() {
>; // super.close();
> };
> /**
>  * @inheritDoc
>  */
> osapi.container.GadgetSite.prototype.disposeSiteHolders = function() {
>  if (this.loadingGadgetHolder_) {
>    this.loadingGadgetHolder_.dispose();
>  }
>  if (this.currentGadgetHolder_) {
>    this.currentGadgetHolder_.dispose();
>  }
> }
> and move deletion of iframe to GadgetHolder.js:
> /**
>  * @inheritDoc
>  */
> osapi.container.GadgetHolder.prototype.dispose = function() {
>  this.gadgetInfo_ = null;
>  if (this.el_ && this.el_.firstChild) {
>    this.el_.removeChild(this.el_.firstChild);
>  }
> };
> The reason is that GadgetSite is the actual class that holds both gadget
> holders so it makes sense that GadgetSite class to do the cleaning for
> both
> holders and removing of child element of the holder element has to happen
> in GagdetHolder since its the class that actually uses the iframe HTML
> parent element.
> Sorry about questions on this but do really appreciate the inputs and
> comments
> - Henry
> On Friday, March 23, 2012, Dan Dumont <> wrote:
>> AFAIK, the reason getActiveSiteHolder prefers the loading holder is so
>> that operations will get that while a gadget is still loading.
>> After render it goes away and the result should always be the
>> currentGadgetHolder_
>> The dispose check to get it again is just for safety so that if that
> edge
>> case happens in a gadget we know we've cleaned up both holders in the
>> site.
>> Are you running into an issue in this code?   I curious what's prompting
>> the questions :)
>> I think we might be able to move this bit:
>> if (this.loadingGadgetEl_ && this.loadingGadgetEl_.firstChild) {
>>   this.loadingGadgetEl_.removeChild(this.loadingGadgetEl_.firstChild);
>>  }
>> inside the holder's dispose method to clean things up a bit.  I would
> need
>> to see what that does to the other non-loading holder.
>> From:   Henry Saputra <>
>> To:,
>> Date:   03/23/2012 03:12 AM
>> Subject:        Re: Question about gagdet_site.js GadgetSite.close impl
>> for close() function
>> I see.
>> So the getActiveSiteHolder code currently looks like this:
>> /**
>>  * @inheritDoc
>>  */
>> osapi.container.GadgetSite.prototype.getActiveSiteHolder = function() {
>>  return this.loadingGadgetHolder_ || this.currentGadgetHolder_;
>> };
>> This code is weird because it should be the other way:
>>   return this.currentGadgetHolder_ || this.loadingGadgetHolder_;
>> because after GadgetSite.onRender() is called and replacing
>> currentGadgetHolder_ with loadingGadgetHolder_ which makes it active.
>> So the close() function in gadget_site.js file could look like:
>> /**
>>  * @inheritDoc
>>  */
>> osapi.container.GadgetSite.prototype.close = function() {
>>; // super.close();
>>  if (this.loadingGadgetEl_ && this.loadingGadgetEl_.firstChild) {
>>   this.loadingGadgetEl_.removeChild(this.loadingGadgetEl_.firstChild);
>>  }
>>  // dispose of our other holder if any
>>  if(loadingGadgetHolder_) {
>>    loadingGadgetHolder_.dispose();
>>  }
>> };
>> The odds of GadgetSite.onRender() has not finished executing when
>> someone call GadgetSite.close() I think is pretty rare. So in most
>> typical  scenarios there will be only one instance of gadget holder
>> active.
>> Thoughts?
>> - Henry
>> On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 8:52 PM, Dan Dumont <> wrote:
>>>  Yes it's the same as an if check.  The reason the code is duplicated
> is
>> because gadget sites have 2 holders.
>>> The second time it's called it should return the other one.
>>>  -----Henry Saputra <> wrote: -----
>>>  =================
>>>  To:
>>>  From: Henry Saputra <>
>>>  Date: 03/22/2012 06:52PM
>>>  Subject: Question about gagdet_site.js GadgetSite.close impl for
>> close() function
>>>  =======================
>>>   In the gadget_site.js file there is this function:
>>> /**
>>>  * @inheritDoc
>>>  */
>>> osapi.container.GadgetSite.prototype.close = function() {
>>>; // super.close();
>>>  if (this.loadingGadgetEl_ && this.loadingGadgetEl_.firstChild) {
>>>    this.loadingGadgetEl_.removeChild(this.loadingGadgetEl_.firstChild);
>>>  }
>>>  // dispose of our other holder.
>>>  var holder = this.getActiveSiteHolder();
>>>  holder && holder.dispose();
>>> };
>>> The parent site.js has this:
>>> /**
>>>  * Closes this site.
>>>  */
>>> osapi.container.Site.prototype.close = function() {
>>>  if (this.el_ && this.el_.firstChild) {
>>>    this.el_.removeChild(this.el_.firstChild);
>>>  }
>>>  var holder = this.getActiveSiteHolder();
>>>  holder && holder.dispose();
>>> };
>>> If am not sure what " holder && holder.dispose();" should do. I think
>>> its trying to do:
>>> if(holder) {
>>>  holder.dispose();
>>> }
>>> And the GadgetSite should not repeat the code I suppose.
>>> - Henry

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