I like option 1 but can understand why people would be upset, so option 4 may be your only option. Although I hope we could do option 1 post 2.5...
On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 11:17 AM, Dan Dumont <ddum...@us.ibm.com> wrote: > I've been looking at having the oauth popup feature make some calls into > the container over rpc to handle the popup for various reasons, one of > which is to work around browser popup blockers. > The container could implement the feature as a litebox instead of a popup. > > This change though requires some changes that will probably break > unsuspecting upgraders... so my options are as follows: > > 1) Refactor oauthpopup and break unsuspecting containers when they > upgrade. > 2) Refactor oauthpopup and add it to core (it's pretty small) so that no > one gets hurt on the upgrade. > 3) Refactor oauthpopup and add only the container part to core (this gets > kinda messy... ) > 4) LEAVE MY OAUTHPOPUP ALONE! (mess with my own copy, but don't change > shindig) > Btw, the default implementation in my refactor calls window.open just like > the old one, only now the container is doing the window.open instead of > the gadget. > > What does the community think the best approach would be?