We ran into an issue today where we had multiple JS includes that were 
converted into one big JS file by the ConcatProxyServlet that basically seems 
to just (as the name implies) concaternate multiple JS files into one. That is 
fine in principle, but it seems that some of the original minified files do not 
end with a semi-colon, for example jquery-ui [1]. ECMAscript has rules for 
implicit semi-colon insertion, one of which is "at the end of the stream" [2]. 
This means that when you start concaternating streams, you might need to insert 
an explicit semi-colon. However, the ConcatProxyServlet does not do this and we 
get JS errors because of it. I would say this is a bug, but I wanted to discuss 
it on the list first, before reporting it in Jira. WDYT?

Greetings, Marcel

PS: later versions of jquery-ui DO add an explicit semi-colon so possibly 
authors of such libraries are aware of such concat issues and fixing this issue 
in a different way, but I still think Shindig should do "the right thing"

[1] http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.8.18/jquery-ui.min.js
[2] http://stackoverflow.com/a/6252209/260424

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