Hello Ryan,

I'll have to whip something up, as I indeed cannot send you the gadget in 
question unaltered. I will do that tomorrow. In the mean time I was wondering 
what you thought of my analysis:

If JS has semantics that state that "end of stream" is a location for implicit 
semi-colon insertion, would not those semantics change per definition once you 
start concat'ing different JS files into one?

Anyway, more tomorrow! :)

Greetings, Marcel

On Dec 20, 2012, at 17:25 , Ryan Baxter <rbaxte...@apache.org> wrote:

> It just saves time so that I make sure I am trying the same thing you are
> doing that is all.  If you have one handy that is not confidential it would
> help.
> On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 8:45 AM, Marcel Offermans <
> marcel.offerm...@luminis.nl> wrote:
>> We are working with the latest release, but by looking at trunk I think
>> the problem is still present there.
>> If you just take the jquery-ui in [1] and add some other JS library after
>> that, run it through concat, and save the resulting JS file, your browser
>> will immediately tell you there is an error.
>> Do you really want me to publish a gadget on some public URL so you can
>> add it to Shindig yourself?
>> Greetings, Marcel
>> On Dec 20, 2012, at 14:36 PM, Ryan Baxter <rbaxte...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> Marcel, which version of Shindig were you working with?  Can you provide
>> a
>>> sample gadget that illustrated the problem?
>>> On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 7:52 AM, Marcel Offermans <
>>> marcel.offerm...@luminis.nl> wrote:
>>>> We ran into an issue today where we had multiple JS includes that were
>>>> converted into one big JS file by the ConcatProxyServlet that basically
>>>> seems to just (as the name implies) concaternate multiple JS files into
>>>> one. That is fine in principle, but it seems that some of the original
>>>> minified files do not end with a semi-colon, for example jquery-ui [1].
>>>> ECMAscript has rules for implicit semi-colon insertion, one of which is
>> "at
>>>> the end of the stream" [2]. This means that when you start
>> concaternating
>>>> streams, you might need to insert an explicit semi-colon. However, the
>>>> ConcatProxyServlet does not do this and we get JS errors because of it.
>> I
>>>> would say this is a bug, but I wanted to discuss it on the list first,
>>>> before reporting it in Jira. WDYT?
>>>> Greetings, Marcel
>>>> PS: later versions of jquery-ui DO add an explicit semi-colon so
>> possibly
>>>> authors of such libraries are aware of such concat issues and fixing
>> this
>>>> issue in a different way, but I still think Shindig should do "the right
>>>> thing"
>>>> [1] http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.8.18/jquery-ui.min.js
>>>> [2] http://stackoverflow.com/a/6252209/260424

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