Where are you seeing these JSON parse errors? These files are used on the
server-side and the parsers are fairly forgiving.


Sent from a mobile device. Please forgive brevity or typos.
On Nov 18, 2014 3:39 PM, "Ichiro Furusato" <ichiro.furus...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I've recently started working with Shindig for a project and have found
> that I am getting JSON parsing errors on unmodified files in the Shindig
> source. On investigating I found that these files contained Apache license
> boilerplate in the form of "/* */" style comments, which is invalid JSON
> as according to ECMA-404 (the JSON standard).
> The files containing comments are:
>   ./config/gadget-admin.json
>   ./config/oauth2.json
>   ./config/oauth.json
>   ./content/sampledata/canonicaldb.json
> ./java/gadgets/src/test/resources/org/apache/shindig/gadgets/oauth2/oauth2_test.json
> The last test file will not be a problem in production, but the other
> four show up in the distribution jars. The first three are found in
> shindig-gadgets-2.5.1.jar, the fourth in shindig-social-api-2.5.1.jar.
> Given I'm building via Maven and won't have control over the incoming
> jars (which will contain these files) I'm wondering how others have gotten
> around this problem, and if it's possible to simply remove the comments
> in the source files (which would seem to be the simplest solution).
> License boilerplate is meant to protect the intellectual property of the
> project -- it doesn't have to be included in every file, and certainly
> not in configuration files (which arguably have little IP to protect).
> I suppose I'm also curious as to why this problem apparently isn't
> affecting delivery of the project (i.e., it obviously passes its tests,
> the mvn -Prun demo works). I'm still new to working with Shindig so
> perhaps I'm missing something here...
> Cheers,
> Ichiro

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