dcslin commented on a change in pull request #445: SINGA-433 updated 
documentation about docker, dockerfile for consitent, cudnn version in 
URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-singa/pull/445#discussion_r270707618

 File path: doc/en/docs/docker.md
 @@ -31,28 +31,25 @@ Dockerfile folder, e.g., tool/docker/devel/
 The `<TAG>` is named as
-    devel|runtime[-OS][-CUDA|OPENCL][-CUDNN]
+    devel|runtime[-OS][-CUDA|MKLDNN][-CUDNN]
 * devel: development images with all dependent libs' header files installed 
and SINGA's source code; runtime: the minimal images which can run SINGA 
-* OS: ubuntu, ubuntu14.04, centos, centos6
-* CUDA: cuda, cuda8.0, cuda7.0
-* CUDNN: cudnn, cudnn5, cudnn4
-* OPENCL: opencl, opencl1.2
+* OS: ubuntu18.04, ubuntu16.04, centos6
+* CUDA: cuda10.0, cuda9.0
+* CUDNN: cudnn7
+* MKLDNN: mkldnn0.18
-By default, if the version is not included in the tag, the latest stable 
version is used.
-The default OS is Ubuntu. The version is the latest stable version (e.g., 
16.04 for now).
-For -cuda version, the **cudnn** is included by default. Their versions are 
also the latest stable version, i.e., cuda8.0 and cudnn5 for now.
+Here are some example tags:
-Here are some example tags,
+`devel-cuda9-cudnn7`, `devel-cuda9-cudnn7`, `devel-cuda10-cudnn7`, 
`devel-mkldnn0.18`, `devel-centos6`, `runtime`
 Review comment:
   Hi @nudles Thank you for the review. This is updated.

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