On Oct 29, 2009, at 1:21 PM, Ceki Gulcu wrote:

Hi there,

If the question is why a release candidate and not just 1.5.9, then the answer is that I wanted to get input on the cal10n api and slf4j use of it before making an official release. This made sense for 1.5.9-rc0. For 1.5.9.rc1, the reasoning is somewhat doubtful, I must concede.

If the question is why release a release candidate, what else do you propose? If the rc is not made available publicly, it would miss the point of the exercise, wouldn't it?

I was wondering why you'd do a formal release of a release candidate. Typically the announcement for a candidate would say something like "Please test it in preparation for the release". If this was not an "official" release then the announcement should say so, but it looks like it was intended to be from the announcement.

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