
i am posting this message again, because first posting was included in another thread and not a new one .... And i am still waiting for answer :-)

As described we are using sling with an object mapper.

wall (sling:resourceType = "wall")
|--> brickgroup1 (sling:resourceType = "brickgroup")
|         |
|         |--> brick11 (sling:resourceType = "statichtmlbrick")
|         |--> brick12 (sling:resourceType = "contentbrick")
|         |--> brick13 (sling:resourceType = "contentbrick")
|--> brickgroup2 (sling:resourceType = "brickgroup")
        |--> brick21 (sling:resourceType = "contentbrick")
        |--> brick22 (sling:resourceType = "contentbrick")
        |--> brick23 (sling:resourceType = "statichtmlbrick")

If we include other scripts to a script, we always use

inside the script, we adapt resource to our class with an AdapterFactory.

This means, the node has always to be retrieved and mapped again by the OR mapper.

So i am wondering if it could be useful to have a new include method on SlingHelper to handle

public void include(Resource resource, RequestDispatcherOptions options) {
// doing similar than other includes, but with resource

And than i could create a PojoSyntheticResource and include directly in the script. Benefit its already resolved and mapped....

sling.include(new PojoSyntheticResource(brickgroup));

public class PojoSyntheticResource extends SyntheticResource {

  Base base;

public PojoSyntheticResource(ResourceResolver resourceResolver, Base base) {
      this(resourceResolver, base.getPath(), base.getResourceType());
      this.base = base;

   * Creates a synthetic resource with the given <code>path</code> and
   * <code>resourceType</code>.
protected PojoSyntheticResource(ResourceResolver resourceResolver, String path, String resourceType) {
      super(resourceResolver, path, resourceType);

  public <Type> Type adaptTo(Class<Type> type) {
      if (Base.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
          return (Type) base;
      return null;


Do you like to have an scriptHelper method like this ? than i would open an jira issue. Or do you any other suggestions ?


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