Hi all,

We are in the end game of releasing the Sling Authenticator Bundle (aka
Commons Auth).

Carsten an I have been discussing about this bundle and are considering
moving this bundle out of the commons area.

The reason for this is, that the commons area has once been designated
to be a location with usefull helper stuff but with not API dependency
to Sling. Since we moved part of Commons Auth to the API, this does not
hold any longer for the Commons Auth bundle.

As a consequence, we would have to rename the packages from
o.a.s.commons.auth to o.a.s.auth (probably). This is mainly an issue
because the exported packages ...auth and ...auth.spi are being used
elsewhere (e.g. for implementing authentication handlers).

I suggest we create a new location bundles/auth where we move the
Authenticator bundle along with the OpenID and Form authentication
handlers (currently below bundles/extensions).

As a consequence the API packages o.a.s.commons.auth and
o.a.s.commons.auth.spi would be renamed to o.a.s.auth and
o.a.s.auth.spi, resp.

Moving the bundle is tracked in SLING-1650.



[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-1650

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