
Justin Edelson  wrote
> As I mentioned last week, I had some concerns about using FileInstall
> for ConfigAdmin support and, more than concerns about FileInstall in
> particular, I didn't like the whole approach within Launchpad of
> "copying some files out of the JAR/WAR" and didn't want to see us
> continue this pattern.
yepp, though I don't think that copying is a huge problem, it would be
nicer to go without copying.

> I worked out a solution to this today and I'm pretty happy with it.
> In short... Launchpad exposes a service which allows bundles/services
> within the framework to access the contents of the launchpad archive (or
> project, in the case of the maven-launchpad-plugin) as a virtual file
> system.
> It is then trivial to create a component which uses this service to
> access configuration files and install them via osgi.installer.
Yes, I was thinking about something like this as well - if possible, i
would like to have a solution which does not require new interfaces or
services in launchpad; but so far I couldn't come up with something
useful (url handlers or something similar comes to my mind)

> Note that in order for this to work properly [3], I had to introduce
> osgi.installer into the main pom. I'd like to get rid of the separate
> reactor for installer entirely, but there are still some integration
> test failures in osgi/it and it looks like Carsten is still working on
> this module. In any case, going down this path means that osgi.installer
> will need to be part of Sling 6 (if we want ConfigAdmin to be part of
> Sling 6, of course).
Yes, I'm currently rewriting the whole integration tests as they rely on
internals of the implementation which makes changing the implementation
really hard.
If Sling 6 is near - and I really hope it is - I don't see osgi install
be ready for this - so we have to go without osgi install.
Though I really would love to have config support in launchpad it is not
a must and should not block Sling 6. If we can't get it for Sling 6 we
will have it for Sling 7.

Carsten Ziegeler

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