
On 19.10.2010 14:21, Sandro Boehme wrote:
> Am 19.10.10 13:41, schrieb Felix Meschberger:
>> Hi,
>>>>> I cannot easily find out if the
>>>>> trigger to load the JavaScript files is already there somewhere.
>>>>> I guess we only need to trigger the handleCompilationDone() methode
>>>>> somewhere in Sling but I don't know enough about Sling to decide where
>>>>> that would fit in or what to configure to make it fit. Maybe it
>>>>> could be
>>>>> triggered during
>>>>> ...scripting.javascript.internal.RhinoJavaScriptEngine.eval(). Do you
>>>>> have an idea?
>>>> Actually from my traces I see, that the Eclipse rhino.debugger
>>>> bundle in
>>>> facts replies to the compilationDone event and informs the Eclipse
>>>> debugger about this.
>>> This sounds good. What did you do to trigger the compilationDone event?
>>> If that works I get some example scripts from the server and can then
>>> try to find a mapping for the paths.
>> I wrote a simple /apps/nt/folder/html.esp script and then requested a
>> folder from Sling. This causes the html.esp script to be loaded and thus
>> the compilationDone event is sent and handled.
>> I did not have to do anything else.
> Ah, I thought the compilationDone event should also get triggered if the
> bundle containing the script is deployed normally. But ok, I understand.
> The trigger is the update to WebDav.

No, the triger is the actual execution of the script: Rhino first
compiles the script into an AST and the executes that. Once the script
has been compiled into the AST (a by-product could in fact be writing a
Java Class File....) the compilationDone event is fired (IIRC).


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