Hi Felix,

Am 19.10.10 15:28, schrieb Felix Meschberger:

On 19.10.2010 14:21, Sandro Boehme wrote:
Am 19.10.10 13:41, schrieb Felix Meschberger:
I cannot easily find out if the
trigger to load the JavaScript files is already there somewhere.

I guess we only need to trigger the handleCompilationDone() methode
somewhere in Sling but I don't know enough about Sling to decide where
that would fit in or what to configure to make it fit. Maybe it
could be
triggered during
...scripting.javascript.internal.RhinoJavaScriptEngine.eval(). Do you
have an idea?

Actually from my traces I see, that the Eclipse rhino.debugger
bundle in
facts replies to the compilationDone event and informs the Eclipse
debugger about this.
This sounds good. What did you do to trigger the compilationDone event?
If that works I get some example scripts from the server and can then
try to find a mapping for the paths.

I wrote a simple /apps/nt/folder/html.esp script and then requested a
folder from Sling. This causes the html.esp script to be loaded and thus
the compilationDone event is sent and handled.

I did not have to do anything else.
Ah, I thought the compilationDone event should also get triggered if the
bundle containing the script is deployed normally. But ok, I understand.
The trigger is the update to WebDav.

No, the triger is the actual execution of the script: Rhino first
compiles the script into an AST and the executes that. Once the script
has been compiled into the AST (a by-product could in fact be writing a
Java Class File....) the compilationDone event is fired (IIRC).
Yes of course. I guess I didn't really read "This causes the html.esp script to be loaded and thus the compilationDone event is sent and handled." in the first place :-/



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