+1 to what Konrad said.

Service ranking is more predictable than just using the "first"


Am 11.05.2022 um 17:18 schrieb Konrad Windszus:
IMHO the regular OSGi semantics should apply here as well, i.e. higher service 
ranking wins (if tie lower bundle id wins). That is also documented at 

In any case this should only be the last criteria if selectors, extensions and 
method are the same for more then one servlet resolution candidate.

Throwing an exception/refusing to register the servlet is wrong and would be a 


On 11. May 2022, at 17:14, Bertrand Delacretaz <bdelacre...@apache.org> wrote:


I forgot if we discussed this already, if that's the case pointers are welcome.

Adrian Kozma created SLING-11315 about this, and I tentatively added a
new test [1] to explore the current behavior.

It looks like the first registered servlet wins, but that might be
just by chance.

Do people agree that Sling should refuse to register servlets that
have the same set of mount parameters as existing ones?

I think that would help avoid difficult to troubleshoot situations.



Carsten Ziegeler

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