
I think it would be useful to be able to optionally run the Starter ITs
when building a module that is part of the Sling Starter. This way we
catch various errors sooner and we can get this feedback as part of PR

I have written down some notes about how this could work at [0]. I have
also worked on a proof of concept that has two parts:

1. The ability to override the version of an artifact when using the
feature-launcher-maven-plugin - [1], [2]
2. A parent pom profile that sets up the Maven executions needed to run
the ITs with the overridden version of the bundle - [3], [4]

With this solution, all that is going to be needed in the end is to run

$ mvn clean verify -Dit.starter.version=13-SNAPSHOT

My plan is to merge the needed changes on Friday so I can work on the
Jenkins part next week and enable it in a couple of sensitive modules.

I don't plan to enable it unconditionally on all modules from the
Starter until:

- we have a good understanding of how well this works
- have a solution that does not require touching every module
definition to enable the tests



[1]: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-11387
[3]: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-11395

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