
I am interested in a 0.x release of the jmx-exporter I contributed some
time back in the Sling Whiteboard Repository (
Adobe's policy requires me to use only a released version of it, when I
want to use it.

This feature is quite small, and I put it into the Whiteboard, because
there was no other Sling repository where this feature should belong to. I
started a vote and cancelled it when Robert pointed me to the policy of the
whiteboard not to do any releases.

Is there any advice how to proceed with it? I am not sure if I should
request a dedicated repository for it ("sling-jmx-exporter"), because it's
really a tiny function. Doing a release on the whiteboard would have solved
my requirement perfectly, especially it does not have reached the maturity
of a 1.0 version yet (that would have been part of the learnings from using
a 0.x version).

Jörg Hoh,

Twitter: @joerghoh

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