Am Mi., 19. Okt. 2022 um 20:05 Uhr schrieb Konrad Windszus <

> Hi,
> There are lots of vulnerabilities reported which do not affect our usage
> of dependencies.
> Therefore I am still in favour of putting the responsibility towards those
> who build applications/distributions out of Sling bundles.

While I would favor this solution as well, my question is: Can we build
something, which can decide if we are directly affected by a vulnerability
(that means by embedding that dependency or at least parts of it)? Only if
we can maintain that policy in a reliable way, we can delegate all version
updates of not-embedded dependencies to downstream users.

> For Sling Starter this is obviously us.
> I would recommend to introduce some automated means (apart from
> dependabot) to check for vulnerabilities on all Maven projects which are
> not OSGi bundles.
> Something like
> <
> works for that use case.,
Sure, but on each hit of that plugin "someone" needs to look at the details
in a timely fashion and decide if we should do that update or not. Given
that Sling has approx 300 github repositories that will be quite a bit of

> A new policy for not depending on vulnerable dependencies will put a lot
> of pressure on us, to release bundles way more often than we currently do
> (for no functional benefit).

Agree. 300 repositories and independent artifacts mean quite some work. If
the release process is too cumbersome to execute we should think about
automating it further.

Jörg Hoh,
Twitter: @joerghoh

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