Eric pointed out correctly, that there was tight connection between SLING
API and Scripting core, as the package import range on scripting core
(bundle version 2.4.8) is quite narrow for the package; version="[2.5, 2.6)"

This is caused by the class LazyBindings being a ConsumerType (
and the scripting core inheriting from it (in ProtectedBindings).

My latest extension to it (SLING-12062) then caused a bump of the exported
version, thus breaking the existing imports.

Of course I could do a release of the Scripting Core as well and make sure
that it works with the package version as well, but I wonder if this is the
right thing to do.

Should the Sling API export ConsumerType interfaces and classes at all,
which can cause this type of problems, or should we try to avoid them? This
is a more general question; and in case that we want to avoid those, the
question is still how we want to move forward with this specific instance
of it.

My personal opinion is
* to avoid @ConsumerType exports in the Sling API in general and
* move the ProtectedBindings class, which inherits from the LazyBindings
over to the API

that would allow us to have a wider import range on the scripting.core side.




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