On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 2:38 PM, Dominik Süß <dominik.su...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Facing some questions about how to prevent the SlingPostServlet to be able
> to perform a change I had a closer look at the current implementation and
> it looks like there is currently no "secure" way of doing that beside
> locking the target on persistancelevel (alias setting ACLs)...

...which looks to me like the right way of locking things.

But maybe for the post servlet we need a parallel structure to define
who's allowed to do what. You could for example have


and whoever's allowed to read that is allowed to post to /content/foo,
barring other ACL limitations.

Just thinking outloud mostly...my point is that any security-related
stuff should be driven by ACLs, and in some case "indirect" ACLs can
be useful.


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