On 08.01.2014, at 06:41, Felix Meschberger <fmesc...@adobe.com> wrote:

> I don't think pumping up the log tracker to extract information more easily 
> is a way to go: Other than having some kind of defined line format, the 
> actual messages are just strings with not defined format at all. So relying 
> on the format of the messages is depending on implementation details which is 
> bound to fail sooner or later.
> The problem at hand is really simple, so lets just keep it simple: I propose 
> to set the "sling.core.current.servletName" attribute earlier in the process 
> so that filters can leverage that value.

Yes, but I expect more will come:
- get a list of all the filters that ran for resource/script/servlet X
- details about resource resolution
- details about why script A won over script B (weighting algorithm, 
optingservlets etc.)

So for the long term, those new insights should be handled with the request 
progress tracker rather than adding more request attributes.

Since the servletName is already there, it is ok for me to just fix it.


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