I created https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-3423


On 28.02.2014, at 13:54, Alexander Klimetschek <aklim...@adobe.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> looking at SLING-3420 [1] I noticed that the ResourceMergerService [2] fails 
> to follow the intended design, and explains some of the misunderstandings 
> around the /mnt/overlay servlet discussion and now the modifying resource 
> merger discussion.
> The ResourceMergerService must have this one central API, where the caller = 
> application defines the merge paths!
>    Resource merge(ResourceResolver resolver, String mergeRootPath, String 
> relativePath, String... mergePaths)
> Example values for the use case of the overlay resource provider:
>    resolver = based on the current request (user)
>    mergeRootPath = /mnt/overlay
>    relativePath = <dynamic part>, for example: "projectX/content/ui/toolbar"
>    mergePaths = /apps, /libs
> This was in the original patch [3], sadly removed and later added back but 
> completely missing the point.
> Currently it is all tied to the sling search path internally, but this would 
> just be ONE of different options the application might want to chose for it.
> The specific /mnt/overlay ResourcerProvider would take the sling search path 
> and expose resources based on calling the merger service with this as the 
> mergePaths. (Currently there is a single implementation 
> MergedResourceProviderFactory for both ResourceMergerService and the 
> ResourceProvider service).
> This is simply a proper separation of concerns.
> Another application with different merge paths would be to merge resource 
> type hierarchies: use the resource type and its super types. This could allow 
> one to put UI dialogs in the resource types (say at ./dialog) and then be 
> able to extend dialogs in sub resource types using the merger service.
> Now to the writeable discussion: the ResourceMergerService must be read-only. 
> It can never make a decision where to write. Given that the merge path is a 
> list with N entries and could be anything, the application only knows where 
> to write. A logic such as "if it's not in /libs, save to /apps" doesn't work. 
> If there is another search path entry (and sling apps have more), how do you 
> know to use /apps1 or /apps2? Or if you use custom merge paths such as 
> resource type hierarchy - there is no single answer. And sometimes you want 
> to overwrite something at /libs. Only the application or the app developer 
> can know the intended target.
> Actually, the design was for UI definitions or other developer created 
> content only. Thus there is usually no application code that would write to 
> it, it would be handcrafted by a framework developer (libs) or an application 
> developer (apps or wherever necessary). Maybe an advanded UI that shows you 
> the inheritance and where things come from and can be stored, and the user 
> can pick where to write it. This might need additions to the service, but 
> that's not clear yet, unless someone starts to build something like that.
> Sorry, I missed to review that earlier when the original patch was submitted, 
> but I didn't find the time and assumed it was the above way. But this needs 
> to be fixed :)
> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-3420
> [2] 
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/sling/trunk/contrib/extensions/resourcemerger/src/main/java/org/apache/sling/resourcemerger/api/ResourceMergerService.java
> [3] 
> https://github.com/gknob/sling-resourcemerger/commit/a3e1b78c87e54cd5c32a58627a4de0420229e1f9
> Cheers,
> Alex

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