On Tuesday 22 July 2014 07:59:22 Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
> Hi,


> a new launchpad release is long time overdue. I think one of the problems
> is that we include so many different bundles that there is always a couple
> of them which need just a little bit of work to be released. And once those
> are done, the next bundles are on that list.

the problem I see is that the list from launchpad is used for development and 
we don't maintain a stable list with non-SNAPSHOT bundles.

> Basically I see two options:
> a) we simply release all snapshot bundles now as is and get the launchpad
> out of the door

I haven't checked the SNAPSHOT bundles, but I think there are some bundles 
where nothing changed after their latest release so we may use some already 
released bundles and not release *all* now.

> b) we reduce the list

Can we split the list (into features) like I've done for Karaf?

> I think we should try to do something in between :) Reducing the list and
> then simply releasing everything.
> As a first step I think we shouldn't support two repository
> implementations. Oak is now mature and can be used in production, so why
> not just include Oak? This would already remove several bundles.

I'm fine with just supporting Oak in 7 but I think there is some work left to 
be on par with Jackrabbit 2. If we stick to Jackrabbit 2 for 7 we should 
downgrade to 2.6 or upgrade to 2.8 as 2.7 is an unstable branch, no?

> Then there are things like OCM which we don't really support - so why ship
> it?

Because people ask for it. Same for other bundles like Freemarker and Groovy 
templating. If we don't support bundles we should clearly state it and move 
them to contrib.

> And I guess there is more

A roadmap (wiki page?) with milestones for (a) next release(s) would really be 
helpful as one can spend spare cycles to work on more important tasks - e.g. 
using Service User Mapping in JCR Server et al.

Also we should use a common set of bundles in our (integration) tests to 
verify that everything is working with the bundle list from launchpad.

My goals for a first *Karaf* Launchpad release are a current released JCR 
Server (whether Jackrabbit or Oak) and getting the Event bundle fixed (not 
sure what's the cause for a failing IT yet).


> Regards
> Carsten

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