Thanks Radu.

If possible, I would suggest is to start the IP clearance process but
that we don't vote on the inclusion until the TCK/spec are ready.

On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 10:51 AM, Radu Cotescu <> wrote:
> Hi Carsten,
> I realised that I only half-answered your question. Ideally the TCK should
> be ready in 2, max. 3 weeks. As soon as we manage to push it to Maven
> Central it should be ready to be consumed in Sling. In parallel I'm working
> on a Sling bundle that should contain the TCK input scripts and a content
> structure that would allow running them as expected by the TCK such that we
> can test the Sling implementation.
> HTH,
> Radu
> On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 10:13 AM, Radu Cotescu <> wrote:
>> Hi Carsten,
>> The specification will be available soon on GitHub [2] (matter of days).
>> Until then the resource from [0] should give you an idea on how Sightly
>> expressions look like and what plugins are available.
>> Regards,
>> Radu
>> [2] -
>> On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 7:07 AM, Carsten Ziegeler <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Radu,
>>> thanks for the offering. This definitely looks very interesting for Sling.
>>> Is the spec downloadable from somewhere? When do you think the test suite
>>> will be available?
>>> Regards
>>> Carsten
>>> 2014-09-22 10:59 GMT+02:00 Radu Cotescu <>:
>>> > Hello,
>>> >
>>> > On behalf of Adobe Systems Inc. I'd like to contribute two modules to
>>> > Apache Sling:
>>> >
>>> >    -
>>> >    -
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Sightly is the new web templating language shipped with Adobe Experience
>>> > Manager 6.0 [0]. Our contribution to Apache Sling is a Java-based
>>> > implementation, fully compliant with the language's specification.
>>> However,
>>> > the language's specification is and will be owned by Adobe.
>>> >
>>> > For Sightly's contextual-based automated XSS escaping feature we're also
>>> > donating the bundle that provides two useful
>>> services
>>> > meant to help escaping or filtering user-submitted content that might be
>>> > prone to XSS attacks.
>>> >
>>> > While the XSS module contains a decent amount of unit tests, the Sightly
>>> > implementation was tested using a proprietary (for now) UI testing
>>> > framework. I'm currently working on porting those tests into a test
>>> runner
>>> > that will be made available under an Apache License on Maven Central;
>>> this
>>> > runner could easily be integrated into Sightly's build process in the
>>> near
>>> > future.
>>> >
>>> > SLING-3959 [1] has been opened to track the donation progress and the
>>> > bundles are attached there. If the Sling community finds this donation
>>> > interesting we can carry on with the IP clearance.
>>> >
>>> > Thanks,
>>> > Radu
>>> >
>>> > *Sightly Credits:*
>>> > Senol Tas, Honwai Wong - initial language specification and
>>> implementation
>>> > Gabriel Walt - product manager, language specification
>>> > Marius Dănilă, Radu Cotescu, Sameer Charles - Java implementation and
>>> > JavaScript Use-API support
>>> > Cătălin Buzoiu - engineering manager
>>> > Feike Visser, Florin Iordache - early adopters implementing projects
>>> with
>>> > Sightly, who provided valuable feedback during Sightly's development
>>> > process
>>> >
>>> > [0] -
>>> > [1] - *
>>> > <>*
>>> >
>>> --
>>> Carsten Ziegeler
>>> Adobe Research Switzerland

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