a big +1 from my side, i'm very happy to see the sightly implementation 
becoming open source.

some detail questions on the process:

- i've had only a brief look at the sources, but if i understand correctly the 
org.apache.sling.scripting.sightly.zip/engine bundle contains both the sightly 
language implementation itself, as well as the integration with sling and the 
sling-specific sightly extensions (e.g. support for data-sly-resource).

- would it not be better to separate this into different bundles - one for the 
language itself and one for the sling-specific extensions?

- i've not seen the specification of sightly yet - does it contain the 
sling-specific extensions as well, or is it partitioned this way?

- this would be the first time that the sling project does not only host the 
script language integration, but the script language implementation itself. are 
we as sling community prepared for it, and the best host for it? i do not want 
to put any stones in the way with this question, just to get the opinion of the 


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Radu Cotescu [mailto:r...@apache.org]
>Sent: Monday, September 22, 2014 11:00 AM
>To: Sling Dev
>Subject: [PROPOSAL] Sightly donation to Apache Sling
>On behalf of Adobe Systems Inc. I'd like to contribute two modules to
>Apache Sling:
>   - org.apache.sling.scripting.sightly
>   - org.apache.sling.xss
>Sightly is the new web templating language shipped with Adobe Experience
>Manager 6.0 [0]. Our contribution to Apache Sling is a Java-based
>implementation, fully compliant with the language's specification. However,
>the language's specification is and will be owned by Adobe.
>For Sightly's contextual-based automated XSS escaping feature we're also
>donating the org.apache.sling.xss bundle that provides two useful services
>meant to help escaping or filtering user-submitted content that might be
>prone to XSS attacks.
>While the XSS module contains a decent amount of unit tests, the Sightly
>implementation was tested using a proprietary (for now) UI testing
>framework. I'm currently working on porting those tests into a test runner
>that will be made available under an Apache License on Maven Central; this
>runner could easily be integrated into Sightly's build process in the near
>SLING-3959 [1] has been opened to track the donation progress and the
>bundles are attached there. If the Sling community finds this donation
>interesting we can carry on with the IP clearance.
>*Sightly Credits:*
>Senol Tas, Honwai Wong - initial language specification and implementation
>Gabriel Walt - product manager, language specification
>Marius Dănilă, Radu Cotescu, Sameer Charles - Java implementation and
>JavaScript Use-API support
>Cătălin Buzoiu - engineering manager
>Feike Visser, Florin Iordache - early adopters implementing projects with
>Sightly, who provided valuable feedback during Sightly's development process
>[0] - http://docs.adobe.com/content/docs/en/aem/6-0/develop/sightly.html
>[1] - *https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-3959

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