Hi Sandro,

On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 10:07 AM, Sandro Boehme <sandro.boe...@gmx.de> wrote:
> to be more concrete, I've added a Throwable.jsp and a 500.jsp to
> "contrib/explorers/resourceeditor/src/main/resources/SLING-INF/libs/sling/resource-editor/errorhandler"...

AFAIK those will only apply to resources of type

> and
> "contrib/explorers/resourceeditor/src/main/resources/SLING-INF/libs/sling/resource-editor"

Those should apply if a Throwable is thrown or sendResult(500) is
called while processing a resource of the sling/resource-editor type.

If you want to debug, grepping the DEBUG logs for "candidate" lists
which scripts/servlets are considered, and debugging the
SlingServletResolver.handleError method should help as well.


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