
Almost one year ago we release Launchpad 7. Since we aim to release
once per year, looks like a good time to start the release talks.

I think we discussed several times moving to Oak by default or even
dropping Jackrabbit 2.x support, so my proposal would be:

1. Deprecate + drop all features which are Jackrabbit-only
2. Do a release of the oak-server bundle
3. Release Launchpad 8

When starting the 8 release I suggest that we start with the releases
that we have in the launchpad at that moment, instead of chasing all
SNAPSHOTs and releasing them last year. I will ask when the release
starts, but if anyone thinks that we need a not-yet-released fix
included let's release it then.

4. Create a docker image

I was considering putting up a Sling 8 Oak image on Docker Hub after
the release, so people can get a quick(er) start with it. If anyone
thinks that's not suitable for any reason, please let me know.



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